For employees who a retiring soon and/or benefits information for our current retirees
2025 Retiree Benefit Guides & Rates Rates for Retired Employees Benefits Guide for Retired Employees
Do you have a qualifying life event and need to make changes to your benefits? Please complete a Retiree Benefits Change Form to submit your request.
San Mateo County Human Resources Department Employee Benefits For all benefits inquiries: Phone: (650) 363-1919 Fax: (650) 670-3080 TDD: (650) 368-7807 For Wellness inquiries email
For questions regarding whether specific services are covered or claims, please contact your provider directly. Carrier Benefit Type Contact Account Access Apps
When your sick leave credits that help pay for all or a portion of your retiree health benefit premiums expire, your benefit plans do not terminate. Your enrollment in those plans will continue and you will be responsible for paying the full premium cost. If you wish to terminate any or all of your benefits once your sick leave expires, you will need to complete the Retiree Benefits Change form and return to the Benefits Division.
As a standard condition of your retirement, the County of San Mateo requires that you or your eligible dependents enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B when you turn 65.
Open Enrollment is your opportunity to make/change your plan elections, add/drop dependents for the upcoming year, and change your monthly sick leave usage (for some groups). Selections made during Open Enrollment will be effective January 1, 2025. You will be able to make changes October 15th through November 8th, with a January 1, 2025 effective date.
Thinking About Retiring? Six months before, follow this checklist to help keep your timeline to retirement on track to turn your retirement dreams into reality…. on your schedule.
SamCERA is the San Mateo County Employee's Retirement Association.
Retiree Health Benefits for Current Retirees

The Guide is a summary of health benefits offered to you and your family in retirement including the cost of benefits, comparison of plans, answers to frequently asked questions concerning coverage and supplement to Medicare plans.