Juan Raigoza headshot

Welcome to the Controller's Office website. Our goal is to make the financial information we provide to the residents and taxpayers of San Mateo County more readily accessible and easy to understand. I hope you find these pages helpful.

Mission Statement

To promote the County's operational effectiveness, and ensure its financial transparency and integrity by providing quality accounting, audit, and financial reporting services.


Services Provided

The Controller's Office maintains the County’s accounting system and records, and prepares independently audited, annual financial reports (Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Financial Highlights Report) that disclose the financial condition of the County to the public. We are staffed with 54 full-time accounting, audit, and information systems professionals. The office also calculates annual property tax bill amounts, distribute taxes collected to local government agencies, processes payroll, and performs internal audits of County’s operations.

Financial Report-ACFR Financial Highlights-PAFR Property Tax Highlights Single Audit Report Tax Rate Book Countywide Oversight Board Find RFPs Whistleblower Subscribe How are we doing?
555 County Center

555 County Center, 4th Floor, Redwood City, CA 94063

GFOA Financial Reporting Award 2021

Excellence in Financial Reporting

GFOA PAFR Award 2021

Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting

Contact Information
Controller's Office – Main Office
555 County Center
Floor 4
Redwood City, CA 94063Get Directions
Monday - Friday:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on holidays
Saturday - Sunday:
Contact Information
General Information & Referral: (650) 363-4777 Email: controller@smcgov.org