Use the Planning GIS Database to Find Your Zoning & Other Information

- You will need the 9-digit APN (0XX-XXX-XX0) for the property. The GIS Database may not be able to find property-specific information by address.
- Go to the Planning and Building Map Viewer.
- In the “Layers” box on the left, there is a list of Layer groups. Locate the LAND USE group and click the little arrow to expand. Click the “Unincorporated SMC Zoning" layer” check box to display Zoning Districts.
- To find your parcel select “Find parcels by APN” from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Enter the APN (REMOVE all dashes ' - ' or space between numbers) in the box and click “Search”. Your Parcel will be highlighted in Blue.
- Single click on your parcel to open the “Map Tips” box. This box will display information related to the active layers in the viewer.
- In the upper right corner of the “Map Tips” box, there is a tool for toggling through the different active layers. Click the right-arrow to display your parcel’s Zoning District and Zone Description.
- The GIS Database has information about Service/Utility Districts; Flood, Fire, and Airport Hazard areas; Scenic Corridors; areas of Prime Agricultural Land; and more. Click on the “Layers” box on the left to see the list of Layer groups. Locate a specific group and click the little arrow to expand. Click the desired "layer” check box. Repeat steps 4 through 6 above.
Understanding Zoning Districts
Now that I have the Zoning District(s) for my property, what does it mean?
A parcel may have only one Zoning District (e.g., “RM”, “TPZ”), may have 2 Zoning Districts layers (e.g., R-1/S-101) or may have several Zoning Districts layers (e.g., R-1/S-17/DR/CD). Each “layer” represents a distinct chapter or section in the County’s Zoning Regulations. Please find each layer of your Zoning District in the Zoning Regulations, as development will be required to comply with the regulation for each district.
As a rule of thumb, “S” districts contain development standards (e.g., setbacks, height, FAR, lot coverage), “R” districts are primarily residential in use, “RM” “TPZ” and “PAD” districts are rural, the “CD” district applies to all areas of the Coastal Zone, and the “DR” district requires compliance with design review standards.
Need Help?
For assistance, please call the Planning Counter at (650) 363-1825.