- Visit https://jobs.smcgov.org and click on the title of the position you want to apply for and read the position description, qualifications, application deadline, examination dates and other special instructions on how to apply.
- In the job announcement page, click the APPLY button. Turn off pop-up blocker before you do so OR right-click your mouse on the APPLY button and select “Open in New Window” option.
- You will be prompted to login to the secure website at GovernmentJobs.com. Are you new to Governmentjobs.com? Click here for instructions on how to register for free.
- WARNING! Do not share your www.Governmentjobs.com account OR the email address you used to create your account with anyone! Sharing accounts or email addresses will permanently corrupt your historical/application data in the system.
- Once you are logged in to Governmentjobs.com you can start building your application or re-use a previous application.
- Except where noted, online application materials are due before midnight on the final filing date. Read the job announcement thoroughly for information on deadline and examination dates and other important information.
Tips for Successfully Submitting an Online Application
Read the job description before you apply. Be sure to follow instructions in completing and in submitting your application packet. Failure to follow instructions may delay your application and could be grounds for your application being rejected.
Give yourself plenty of time. Don’t apply at the last minute. Almost all jobs require an application form and responses to essay-type questions, which will be used in the selection process.
Provide complete information. In Ithe WORK EXPERIENCE section of the application form, list all jobs held during the past 10+ years, including verifiable voluntary experience, starting with your present or most recent experience. Resumes are not accepted in lieu of completing the Work Experience section.
Conviction history questions. This is required information and must be included with each application. Applicants with conviction(s) are not automatically disqualified from employment with the County of San Mateo. Conviction information is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Court and/or DMV printouts, police reports or rap sheets are not accepted in lieu of answering the conviction history questions.
Pay attention to your responses to the supplemental questions. Responses to the supplemental questions will be used in the selection process. Neatness, clarity of expression, grammar, spelling and ability to follow instructions will be considered in evaluating your responses. Resumes are not accepted in lieu of responding to the questions.
Make an impression. The application packet you file will make a lasting impression to the selection committee.
Confirm your application. Ensure that all information submitted is accurate and complete. Once you have submitted your application, you cannot make changes to it.
Submit and release. After confirming your application, you will be prompted to Certify and Submit your application to San Mateo County.
Check your email. You know your application went through successfully when you receive an email confirmation shortly after submission. Note: If you indicated on your application that you wish to be notified via e-mail of your application status, testing date(s), and examination result(s), you are responsible for monitoring instructions and correspondence from this office by checking your email account in a timely manner. Make sure to also check your spam mail.
Suggestions for completing your supplemental questions:
- Compose your responses to the questions using MS Word, WordPad or any word processing software, so you can edit with ease.
- Do not use HTML tags and bullets in your responses.
- Use spell check and save a copy of your responses.
- If possible, save your document as a Rich Text file.
- Cut and paste your responses to the appropriate field in the online application.
After you apply...
Testing/Examination Process
A County examination may include a supplemental application, a screening process, a written test, a performance test, and/or an interview. Not all examinations include all these parts. For... View more
Conviction Information for Applicants ~ FAQs
Effective December 2017, the County of San Mateo has modified its application process to comply with Assembly Bill 1008 (AB 1008).... View more
Note to Applicants with Disabilities
If you have a disability that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act or the California Fair Employment and Housing Act and you require special testing arrangements due to a qualifying dis... View more
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