On July 27, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted the County’s “Whistleblower Ordinance” establishing procedures for the reporting of improper governmental activity. The County Manager’s Administrative Memo C-6 provides further guidance on the County’s reporting process.
On November 20, 2012, and February 12, 2013, the Board of Supervisors approved additional funding to enhance the County’s efforts to eliminate suspected improper governmental activity by, among other things, establishing a “Whistleblower Hotline” as well as a web-based reporting system and developing an ethics training program for all County employees.
Related Links
- File a complaint online at www.reportlineweb.com/smcgov
- San Mateo County Ordinance Code Sections 2.14.060 through 2.14.100
- San Mateo County Administrative Memo C-6

Whistleblower Program
If you believe that a County employee or officer has engaged in improper governmental activity including, but not limited to, fraud, waste, and abuse of County resources, you are encouraged to report such suspected improper activity.