Why do I need to take this training?

California law now requires that all employees complete mandatory sexual harassment and abusive conduct training every two years. Non-supervisory employees must complete at least one (1) hour of such training. Supervisors must complete at least two (2) hours of such training. 

I took this training two years ago – do I have to take it again?

Yes, California law requires this training be completed every 2 years and within 6 months of being hired or promoted. Thank you for your participation.

I am a new employee with San Mateo County. I took this training within the last two years prior to being employed with the County – do I have to take it again?

Yes, California law mandates new employees be trained within 6 months of their hire or promotion.

I am not a Supervisor/Manager/Lead. Why did I receive an email notification requiring me to take this training?

California law now requires all employees, including non-supervisory employees, to take at least 1-hour of prevention training.

I am a Supervisor/Manager/Lead, but I did not receive the training (or the training was not assigned to me). Do I need to complete the training?

Yes, please contact Learning and Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343.

I supervise or lead staff but am not in a Supervisor/Manager/Lead Class Level. Do I need to complete the training?


All staff, including supervisors and non-supervisors, are required to complete the training. If you supervise, manage, or lead staff but did not receive the 2-hour sexual harassment prevention training, please contact Learning and Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org. 

Why was my co-worker assigned training, but I was not?

All staff are required to take this mandatory training. If you were not assigned this training, please contact Learning & Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343.

I am a seasonal or temporary employee. Do I still need to take this training?

Yes, California law requires seasonal/temporary employees hired to work less than 6 months are required to take the training within 30 days after their hire date or within 100 hours worked. The County will require you to complete your training within 2 weeks of your hire. If you were not assigned this training, please contact Learning & Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343.

I am a seasonal/temporary employee for the County. Which training do I have to take?

If you are a seasonal or temporary employee and supervise/lead/manage staff, you must take the 2-hour training. If you do not supervise or lead staff, you must take the 1-hour training.

If you were not assigned this training, please contact Learning & Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343.

I am on vacation / jury duty / sick / other circumstances that prevent me from completing the training by the required deadline. Can I receive an extension?

We will grant you a two week extension upon request. If you need an extension, please contact Learning & Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343.

I am on a leave of absence/ will not be able to complete the training within the two weeks extended deadline. Can I receive an additional extension?

For authorized leaves of absence, we generally will permit you to complete the training within 30 days of your return to work. Please contact Learning & Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343 to advise them of your leave status and expected return to work date.

I have spent more than the required amount of time taking the course, but the course timer paused.

The course is designed in such a way that a participant must click buttons, complete exercises, and/or answer questions to prove participation. In an effort to track only active participation, the course timer within the course stops timing after three (3) minutes of inactivity on a particular page. The course will not be counted as complete until all materials and the minimum participation time requirements are fulfilled.

I want to use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, but I do not have it installed on my system. What should I do?

Please contact your department’s IT personnel for assistance with installing the appropriate software.

The video closed captioning is not displaying properly. How do I finish the training?

You can turn off your video and read the transcripts available to you. You may also continue this training on Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. In addition, you can turn the audio on and listen to the course content. For assistance installing the appropriate software, please contact your department’s IT personnel.

The video is not working.

The system requirements for this training are listed here: http://support.emtrain.com/entries/22528777-what-are-the-system-requirements-for-this-course. For assistance installing the appropriate software, please contact your department’s IT support.

I have additional technical questions not listed here. Who do I contact?

For technical questions, please contact your department's IT support.

I have other questions about the training that are not listed/ answered here. Whom do I contact?
  • If you have technical or computer-related questions, please contact your department's IT support.
  • If you were not assigned the training, contact Learning & Development at countylmsregistrar@smcgov.org or at (650) 363-4343.
  • For any other questions about the training, contact the EEO Division at nram@smcgov.org or (650) 363-4962.