In 2019, fulfilling an executive order from Governor Gavin Newsom, San Mateo County Parks collaborated with CAL FIRE to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire in Quarry Park by creating fuel breaks and shaded fuel breaks along primary access routes and fire roads and by expanding critical defensible space. These breaks are essential for controlling the spread of wildfire and preventing ground fire entering the canopy, as well as providing emergency access to first responders.
See the before and after:
We are currently working to control invasive vegetation within the 100 acres of fuel breaks established during the project. Most of this maintenance work will be conducted by hand crews using spot-application of herbicide to control the regrowth of invasive species including eucalyptus, broom, cape ivy, and jubata grass. Measures will be taken to avoid erosion and the sedimentation of nearby waterways. Maintenance of these areas must be performed annually for at least five years to adequately control the regrowth of invasive species. See a map of the project area