Dog wearing a ranger's hat

The Dog Work Group—a mix of members of the public, Parks Commissioners and staff—is tasked with identifying potential park locations where on-leash dog access can be piloted and evaluated in keeping with San Mateo County's newly revised dog ordinance. The group builds on the work of the Dog Management Committee, who developed recommendations for the ordinance revision. Work Group meetings are open to the public. See below for meeting dates.

Dog Off Leash and on Trail View the Baseline Data

Dog Work Group Process

Infographic: Process Map Dog Work Group

Learn what phase of the planning the work group is in with this handy process map.

Download as PDF
Work Group Members
  • Barbara Bonilla
    Parks Commission
  • Christine Corwin
    Coastside Dog Committee
  • Jerry Hearn
    Conservation Community
  • Faye Brophy
    Equestrian Trails & Recreation Advisory Council
  • Jim Sullivan
    Pacifica Community Member & Mountain Biker
  • Nic Erridge
    Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council
  • Joel Cervantes
    Park Ranger
  • Kevin O’Brien
    Park Ranger
  • Matt Del Carlo
    Park Ranger
  • Neil Merrilees
    Parks Commission
  • Chris Johnson
    Coastside Resident

  • Pat Brown
    Meeting Facilitator
  • Peggy Jensen
    Parks Director
  • Laurel Finnegan
    Park Ranger
  • Carla Schoof
    Parks Communications
  • Ellie Dallman
    Office of Supervisor Horsley

View the Dog Management Committee page


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