Monday, August 7, 2017
The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors directed the formation of a committee to include county, state, federal and tribal representatives to explore the best ways to design and interpret the path that Gaspar de Portolà took during his expedition of the San Mateo County coast and the San Francisco Bay. The work of the Ohlone-Portolà Heritage Trail Committee will include telling the history of the Ohlone people who lived in the area and who were instrumental in supporting the Portolà Expedition in 1769.
The Committee includes representatives from San Mateo County Parks, the National Park Service, California State Parks, San Mateo County Historical Association, tribal representatives, Caltrans and San Mateo County’s Department of Public Works who are working to commission a Feasibility Study that will assess the opportunities and constraints related to developing the historical and recreational route as well as interpretive opportunities. The anticipated 90-mile Ohlone-Portolà Heritage Trail alignment through San Mateo County will be designated using segments of the California Coastal Trail, existing sidewalks and/or trails through lands of Peninsula Open Space Trust and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, State Parks and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and County Parks. Some route segments will be identified through working with willing private property owners and Caltrans. Some near-term steps may include development of a logo and signing of the auto and bike routes.
A presentation about the Committee’s work was made at the August 3, 2017 meeting of the San Mateo County Park and Recreation Commission and can be viewed here. A complete list of Trail Committee members, can also be seen in the presentation slides attached below.