Throughout the Realize Flood Park project's community engagement process, the design team has carefully considered the input received during meetings and from surveys and adjusted the landscape plan to reflect community needs and interests.
A recent refinement of the Updated Landscape Plan (shown below) is in response to comments made during the June 11 meeting at Flood Park. Neighbors expressed concerns with the placement of two reservation picnic sites within 100 feet of the park’s eastern boundary. In an effort to minimize impacts on neighbors, the reservable sites have been located elsewhere. Existing drop-in picnic tables will remain in this area and will be refurbished or replaced.
The Updated Landscape Plan balances all perspectives shared during the public engagement process, including preservation of heritage trees and the oak woodland, expansion of active recreation and sport facilities, retention of picnic and group gathering sites, and includes features that address some park neighbor concerns.

July 2022 Updated Landscape Plan

The Updated Landscape Plan will be presented at the July 26 meeting of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors for consideration. Meetings begin at 9 a.m. You can view the meeting agenda and see how to attend meetings in person or by teleconference on the Board of Supervisors webpage.
Spanish interpretation is provided during the meeting.