Extension to Request for Proposals Deadline
On March 8, 2023, the San Mateo County Department of Housing (DOH) released a Request for Proposals seeking qualified teams to apply to support the County in responding to the state Homekey 3.0 NOFA. DOH has extended the deadline to apply to April 28, 2023.
To qualify, an applicant team must complete the RFP Application Part A and submit it with required attachments no later than 4 PM on April 28, 2023. Applicants are also encouraged but not required to propose specific Homekey 3.0 Opportunity Sites using the RFP Application Part B.
Questions and Answers are posted below.
**A mandatory individual pre-application meeting is required.
A Technical Assistance (TA) meeting to review the County’s Homekey 3.0 RFP was held on March 14, 2023 (see slide deck below).