The Final EIR (FEIR) for this project is now available. View the Final EIR (FEIR)
The Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report analyzes the potential environmental effects associated with the proposed project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) remains available. View Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
The North Fair Oaks Rezoning and General Plan Amendment Project and certification of the related EIR is scheduled to be considered by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors at its regularly scheduled hearing on October 17, 2023, at 9:00 AM. View information on the Board of Supervisors hearings.
Please direct any comments or questions on this project to:
Will Gibson
County of San Mateo, Planning & Building Department
455 County Center
Redwood City, CA 94063
North Fair Oaks Rezoning and General Plan Amendment Project
The Planning and Building Department is proposing amendments to the CMU and NMU mixed-use residential zoning regulations applicable to various areas of the unincorporated North Fair Oaks community and is also studying the possible expansion of the CMU and NMU zoning designations to encompass additional residentially zoned areas, to facilitate the production of housing in the area.
In 2011, the County of San Mateo adopted the North Fair Oaks Community Plan, which includes a broad range of land use policies to address the needs and goals of the North Fair Oaks community, and in particular to facilitate the production of housing and mixed-use residential development in North Fair Oaks.
To implement the Community Plan, the County subsequently adopted mixed-use zoning designations, standards, and procedures as part of the County Zoning Regulations.
Since that time, the administration of the adopted zoning has revealed areas that would benefit from clarification, correction, and/or streamlining of various standards and processes, to make the regulations more readily understandable, easier, and more effective in implementation, and to incorporate recent changes in State law.
In addition, the County has identified several areas adjacent to the existing high-density residentially zoned areas that might be appropriate for the application of similar zoning designations, to facilitate consistent development patterns across these areas and promote the production of additional housing.
Goals for the project include:
Adopt more effective zoning by revising provisions that are difficult to administer and/or implement, replacing provisions necessitating subjective interpretation with objective standards, refining development application and review procedures, incorporating best practices that better promote Community Plan policies, and amending regulations that conflict with mandates of State law.
Study the potential to increase capacity for housing in areas adjacent to existing high-density mixed-use residentially zoned areas along the northern portion of both Middlefield Road and El Camino Real, by modifying General Plan designations and zoning standards to potentially allow taller buildings, greater density, reduced building setbacks, modified parking requirements, and/or other strategies, while simultaneously protecting and expanding equitable access to opportunities, community livability, and desirable aspects of community character.
For more about the project, information on upcoming events, opportunities for participation and comment, and other information, please visit www.RezoningNorthFairOaks.org.
For additional information, contact:
Will Gibson, Planner III
Planning and Building Department
455 County Center
Redwood City, CA 94063