2567 El Camino Real Hotel Project

This proposal is for a new 69-unit hotel project located at 2567 El Camino Real in the unincorporated North Fair Oaks area of San Mateo County. The project will span 3 parcels, APNs 054-261-220, 054-261-230, and 054-261-210.  Parcel 054-261-210 is proposed to be rezoned from R-3 S-5 (Multiple-Family Residential District) to CMU-1 (Commercial Mixed Use 1 District, North Fair Oaks), the remaining parcels are zoned CMU-1. The project will include 51 above-ground parking spaces. The development requirements applicable to the project are found in Chapter 29.1, Section 6567 of the San Mateo County Zoning Regulations.  The project proposal would require approval by the Board of Supervisors for a General Plan Amendment and Rezoning (for APN 054-261-210) and a Use Permit. 

Workshop Information

Pursuant to the Shelter in Place Orders issued by the San Mateo County Health Officer and the Governor, the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, and the CDC’s social distancing guidelines which discourage large public gatherings, this meeting will be held by videoconference only. A community workshop will be held on Thursday, February 25, 2021, from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. see the links below for instructions on how to join the teleconference. Individuals who require translation assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the meeting should contact Kanoa Kelly at kkelley@smcgov.org. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting, the materials related to it, and your ability to comment.

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Case Number
