Redwood City – The County of San Mateo continues to work to protect public health and safety in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.
The County of San Mateo’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) remains open to coordinate countywide response and communications in response to the situation. The EOC’s Joint Information Center will provide status reports every Thursday until further notice. Today’s report:
Vaccine Doses Administered Tops 225,000
A total of 160,644 individuals have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot in San Mateo County through Wednesday, March 3. 2021. Of those, 64,740 individuals have completed the two-dose vaccination series, bringing the total number of doses administered to 225,384.
The County of San Mateo has expanded COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to include teachers, child care providers, first responders and food and agricultural workers who meet the state’s Phase 1B criteria, as supply allows.
County Health continues to work with community partners on outreach to groups eligible to receive the vaccine.
While COVID-19 vaccine supply remains limited, you can sign up for the County’s notification tool to receive notification when the State makes you eligible and information about how you may get an appointment. Residents should also sign up for the state’s MyTurn tool as it is expected that MyTurn will offer vaccine appointment scheduling in San Mateo County starting on March 15.
COVID-19 Vaccine Dose Allocation Dashboard
County Health now publishes a dashboard showing the pathways COVID-19 vaccine reaches San Mateo County and how those doses are allocated through County Health, health care systems, pharmacies and other distribution systems.
The dashboard provides a summary of doses delivered to San Mateo County Health and partners. Vaccine is allocated for those who live in or work in San Mateo County. As such, the dashboard cannot be directly compared to the vaccine totals dashboard, which reflects only those who live in San Mateo County.
The dashboard will be updated weekly.

Vaccine Clinic to Serve Hard-hit East Palo Alto
The County of San Mateo and the Ravenswood Family Health Center today announced they will expand local COVID-19 vaccine opportunities in East Palo Alto to serve seniors and essential workers who live in the hard-hit city.
The expanded partnership with Ravenswood – a community-based Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that has provided medical and dental care to the community for two decades – and the city of East Palo Alto to open a community vaccine site the week of March 8 is expected to help overcome barriers to vaccine access. Learn more.
COVID-19 Testing Now Available in South San Francisco
The County in partnership with testing contractor Fulgent Genetics now offers no-cost COVID-19 testing in South San Francisco. Testing plays a vital role in our community’s response to the coronavirus.
Location: South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) Offices
Entrance Address: 634 El Camino Real, South San Francisco, CA 94080
Testing Schedule: Fridays through Tuesdays
Testing Hours: 8 a.m. through 4 p.m.
Testing Format: Currently drive through only (no walking up)
Onsite registration support: Yes
Register for a South San Francisco test at: https://smc.fulgentgenetics.com/appointment/screen/landing
Safe, easy and no-cost testing is widely available at County-sponsored locations for everyone who works or lives in San Mateo County regardless of symptoms.
Learn more at https://smcgov.org/testing.
County Manager Media Briefing Video Available
County Manager Mike Callagy provided a briefing to local news media on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. The video is posted on the County’s YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/bcTDmkU8FsM
Business Outreach and Compliance
The County’s Compliance Team, as part of the Business Engagement and Compliance Program, investigates and responds to reports of alleged violations of state and local health orders related to COVID-19. The primary focus is on education and voluntary compliance.
As of March 2, 2021, the County has received 1,422 complaints. Of those, 96 percent have been abated, meaning the violation was either not found or was corrected on the spot. Other cases are in progress or under further investigation.
The County has issued 160 warning letters and 41 citations with fines totaling $36,500.
COVID-19 Case Counts
County Health reports a total of 38,959 total cases of COVID-19 as if Wednesday, March 3, 2021. Deaths attributed to COVID-19 stand at 521.
211 Call Center
Residents with non-medical, non-emergency questions about the coronavirus can call 211 at any time, day or night.
Callers from landlines and cellular telephones located within San Mateo County are connected with a trained service professional from 211, a confidential service available in 180 languages.