Doug Frederick joined the Department of Housing in 2014. He began his government service career at the City of Dallas, Texas as a Senior Urban Planner with their Housing Department. He left the City of Dallas to join a small community development consulting firm where he spent 15 years as the Planning and Policy Manager. In 2007 he saw the light and moved to California where he joined the City of Menlo Park as Housing Manager. At San Mateo County, he manages the Housing and Community Development group, a talented staff which includes three HCD Supervisors, twelve HCD Specialists and two Office Specialists. The team oversees the distribution of federal CDBG, HOME, and ESG funding, along with millions of dollars from the County’s Measure K fund and tens of millions of dollars from State housing programs.
Doug has a BS in Business and Public Administration and a MA and a Ph.D. in Political Economy, all from the University of Texas at Dallas. He lives in Saratoga with his wife Treacy and has a son in Peoria, Illinois, a daughter and granddaughter in Plano, Texas, and a daughter in New York City, New York.