DISTRICT 4 (Supervisor Warren Slocum) FY 2015-17 Measure A Request
Casa Circulo Cultural de Redwood City Renovations of Existing Space $46,000 total
This is a request to authorize a $46,000 grant to Casa Circulo Cultural de Redwood City, to create a safer, more efficient use of program space. The proposed grant agreement will be administered and managed by the County Manager’s Office.
Overview of Case Circulo Cultural de Redwood City
From its inception in May 2009 Casa Círculo Cultural de Redwood City (Casa Circulo) has been committed to establishing, producing and presenting works of theater, musical concerts, performances, TV programs, painting, sculpture, photography, creative writing, music classes and most recently a radio station with world-class content that addresses social needs of the community.
Through community-centered arts programs, Casa Circulo provides an avenue for youth and adults to learn about, celebrate and preserve Latino and Hispanic culture.
Goals of the Infrastructure Improvements for Which Funding is Requested
Casa Circulo has grown since its inception 7 years ago. It is this growth which is the impetus of this district-specific Measure A request. At the time of the original call for letters of intent, Casa Circulo did not expect to continue to expand so rapidly. The goal of the infrastructure is to accommodate current and future participants in a safer, more efficient space.
Performance Measures
The following performance measures will be used to track progress on the impact of these grant funds:
• Installation of ADA compliant internal staircase to increase and reinforce safety during hours of operation. Estimated Cost: $9,500
• Expansion of music room and art room. Sound proofing music rooms and sound/radio studio. Estimated Cost $23,500
• Carpet installation in music room and art room. Estimated Cost $1,900
• Storage space reorganization/ building of shelves, cabinets and appropriate inventory spaces. Estimated Cost $7,000
• Installation of Reversible Puzzle Mats for Taekwondo classes to increase safety and avoid impact. Estimated Cost $3,645.18
Benefits to our Community
The proposed infrastructure improvements of Casa Circulo will benefit the residents of all of San Mateo County and especially residents in the areas adjacent to the center (Redwood City, North Fair Oaks, Menlo Park and East Palo Alto) by having an expansion of a culturally multi-disciplinary art organization in the community. It is a vibrant place for children, individuals and families to learn about, celebrate and help preserve Latino and Hispanic arts and culture.
The funds are to be disbursed to for these purposes.
The total allocation request for Casa Circulo is $46,000.
The release of funds will be contingent on the execution of an agreement providing for the County’s confirmation of the expenditure of funds during FY 2016-17 for the purposes stated herein.
Important note: This is a copy of the official report -- item 13 on the Board's agenda.