Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 6, 2017:


DISTRICT 1 (Supervisor Dave Pine)

FY 2016-17 Measure K Request

One-Time Grant of $15,000 to CALL Primrose for Summer Lunch Program Expansion

This is a request to authorize a grant to CALL Primrose, and resulting grant agreement in an amount not to exceed $15,000 to expand the summer lunch program, specifically targeting the underserved areas of San Bruno and Millbrae.  The County Manger’s Office will administer and manage the proposed agreement.

Overview of CALL Primrose: CALL Primrose (“CALL”) is a Burlingame-based non-profit organization which provides grocery assistance to low income families and individuals in mid-San Mateo County (specifically in the cities from Belmont/Foster City north to San Bruno).  CALL receives monetary and food donations from private foundations, businesses, and service organizations, in addition to grants from Peninsula cities.

CALL has seen a sharp rise in the number of requests for grocery assistance, as rising housing costs in the area have limited the ability of many low-income families to buy food. CALL’s primary goal is to meet the basic grocery needs of those in the community who are not able to provide for themselves. Last year CALL provided direct support to over 27,000 low income Peninsula residents through the distribution of more than 42,000 bags of groceries. The organization is committed to expanding outreach efforts through local schools, churches, health providers, caseworkers, and other individuals/organizations who are in contact with those most vulnerable. 

Goals of the Summer Lunch Program Expansion

For local low income families, summer can be a time of great difficulty and worry.  Many local children enrolled in San Mateo County schools qualify for the National School Lunch Program, with families relying on these meals to help nourish their children. During the summer months when school is out and lunches are not available, families must find alternative sources to fill this gap.  CALL provides supplemental summer lunch groceries for these families.

Through all of its programs, CALL currently serves more than 1,000 families in the County, which includes roughly 900 children under the age of 18; the organization has the capacity to reach more individuals. 

With this grant of $15,000 of district-specific Measure K funds, CALL will provide supplemental summer lunch groceries for approximately an additional 400 children during the months of June, July, and August.

CALL has also secured a donation of $10,000, contingent on the County’s contribution, from the Kruttschnitt Charitable Foundation to further expand its supplemental summer lunch program. Together, the expansion of the supplemental summer lunch program will provide groceries for approximately 670 additional children during the months of June, July, and August.

Expansion efforts will focus in San Bruno and Millbrae, where participation in the program has been lower than the estimated need for services. CALL will work directly with the San Bruno Park School District to identify at-risk families who may need grocery support.  The new collaboration will include a communication plan to introduce them to the program as well as efforts to reduce any barriers to participation.  CALL is also working with the Millbrae School District to develop a system to target and reach families in need.

Performance Measures:

Upon completion of the project, CALL will submit a report to the County on the number of additional children that were provided groceries during the grant period.

Total One-Time Measure K Request:  Not to Exceed $15,000

Contact Information:

CALL Primrose

139 Primrose Road

Burlingame, CA 94010

Phone: 650-342-CALL (2255)


The release of funds will be contingent on the execution of a grant agreement providing for the County’s confirmation of the expenditure of funds for the purposes stated herein.

Important note: this is a copy of the Board's official report.