Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 6, 2017:

DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley) FY 2016-17 Measure K Request

Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail Feasibility Study Transfer $75,000 to the Parks Department

The Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $75,000 for the Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail Project will provide funding for the Parks Department to engage a planning consultant to complete a feasibility study assessing opportunities and constraints for designation of a the trail as a National Historic Trail and promote completion of the California Coastal Trail through San Mateo County.

In August 2015, the Board of Supervisors authorized the formation of the Portola Trail Committee. In Fall 2016, the Parks Department was successful in securing a technical assistance grant from the National Parks Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) to refine the concept of the Portola Expedition Trail and the vision of the Portola Trail Committee.  In Spring 2017, the Committee reached consensus on a new name, the Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail (O/PHT) Committee, that better reflects its vision of interpreting both the history of the Portola Expedition and the Ohlone people living on the San Mateo coast and San Francisco Bay for thousands of years prior to discovery by Europeans in 1769. The Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail Committee is now prepared to move forward with a feasibility study to assess the near and longer-term opportunities and constraints for the Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail.

The anticipated 50+-mile Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail alignment through San Mateo County will be designated using 22 miles of the California Coastal Trail, 11.5 miles of existing trails or sidewalks, 9 miles of trails through lands of Peninsula Regional Open Space District and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, and 4.5 miles through State Parks and Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Approximately 3 miles of the route will be identified working with willing private property owners and Caltrans for areas in the state highway right-of-way. Specific near-term steps may include development of a logo and tag line for the route and signing of the auto and bike route working with Caltrans and San Mateo County Department of Public Works. A number of longer-term steps may require additional research including requirements for Congressional consideration of National Historic Trail designation and sources of funding for long-term operations and management.

There will be a one-time allocation of $75,000 to County Parks from Measure K District-Specific funds. The Ohlone/Portola Heritage Trail Committee will continue to be engaged with the project and the consultant will report back findings from the study.

Total Measure K Request: $75,000

Important note: this is a copy of the official Board report.