Important note: The following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Sept. 6, 2016:
DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley) FYs 2016-17 Measure A Request
Transfer to Department of Planning and Building 1300 Block Cedar Street, Montara - Roadway Improvement Permit Fee Waiver: $6,200 Permit Fee Waiver
Roadway infrastructure is critical to ensure residents and other community members can travel safely within San Mateo County. Currently, the 1300 block of Cedar Street in Montara, CA consists of unpaved dirt and gravel.
Residents of the neighborhood have been proactive about making improvements on this block, including grading, paving with 3-inch asphalt as well as improvement of a drainage swale on the west side of the street. A petition for the project was completed with signatures from 64 neighbors who support the paving project to improve access for residents and other community members in Montara, CA. While the unpaid dirt and gravel roadway has been a long-time concern, it was not until recently that the residents and community were able to come to a local concensus to bring together resources and leadership to create the plans for the roadway improvement.
Residents will oversee and pay all costs required for design, environmental review and construction of improvements of the 1300 block of Cedar Street during the FY 2016-17 and have asked San Mateo County to waive or find funding to cover the fees associated with the project mentioned above. The Department of Planning and Building will receive a total of $6,200.
Total Measure A Request: $6,200
Important note: This is a copy of the official report -- item 11 on the Board's agenda.