Updated 01/11/23 - 9:20AM PST

Septic System Waste in Floodwater

San Mateo County Environmental Health Services advises residents of Pescadero that floodwater may have been directly contaminated by flooded septic systems, which have released raw sewage into the water. Residents should avoid contact with floodwater, especially on skin, and be sure to keep pets and children out of it.

Health and safety guidelines for homes impacted by floodwater is here.

In flooded areas, until the water recedes from the tank and leach field, residents with septic systems should try to limit toilet flushes as much as is feasible, since septic systems can back flow waste into sink and bathtub drains.


Drinking Water Safety

San Mateo County Public Works, which supplies drinking water to Pescadero, says that its systems have not been affected by the storm. Tap water is safe to drink. There are no boil water advisories.


Domestic Wells

Environmental Health Services is in the process of contacting Pescadero residents with domestic wells to determine if well heads have been submerged and if wells need to be disinfected. For questions, contact EHS at (650) 372-6200 or envhealth@smcgov.org

Guidance for well disinfection is here.