SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO – The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the County of San Mateo, Citizens for San Mateo County Gun Buyback, and partners from several law enforcement agencies, will hold an anonymous gun buyback event on Saturday, May 4, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1050 Mission Road in South San Francisco.

Participating law enforcement agencies include the Colma Police Department, the Daly City Police Department, the San Bruno Police Department and the South San Francisco Police Department.
“Gun buyback events provide an anonymous option for community members to turn in firearms they no longer wish to keep,” said Sheriff Christina Corpus. “This not only reduces the number of guns in circulation, but also helps prevent tragic accidents involving firearms, contributing to a safer community for all residents.”
In addition to removing unwanted firearms from the community, gun buyback events also provide an opportunity to educate the public about safe firearm storage and other gun safety protocols. Free gun locks will be distributed at the event.
For those planning to attend, please ensure your firearms are unloaded and securely stored in the trunk of your vehicle. All firearms will be accepted without question, and you will receive cash incentives ranging from $50 to $200.
This gun buyback is part of the San Mateo County Gun Buyback Program, which includes two events per year through 2024.
The program is funded by a partnership between the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, which approved a grant of up to $208,000 in Measure K funds, $100,000 from the Sheriff’s Office, and more than $67,000 raised by Citizens for a San Mateo County Gun Buy Back, a local community group.
To date, more than 2,600 firearms have been collected through the program.
Gretchen Spiker
Sheriff's Office Director of Communications