The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved its $2.5 billion recommended budget after first making $21.4 million in September revisions, including $9 million for initiatives funded by the voter-approved Measure A half-cent sales tax.
With the changes, the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget is $2.5 billion with 5,406 positions. General fund reserves are $215.8 million and have remained “remarkably consistent” over the past three years, said County Manager John L. Maltbie.
The adopted budget is $97.2 million and 23 positions greater than the recommended budget tentatively approved in June. The changes are due to $75.8 million in year-end fund balance adjustments and Measure A initiatives in areas including affordable housing, education and youth leadership.
Other key revisions in the first of the County’s two-year budget cycle are:
· $7.9 million toward state-mandated programs prior to 2004;
· $1.3 million to implement Laura’s Law, a state law allowing court-ordered assisted outpatient treatment;
· $2.3 million for negotiated salary increases with physicians and dentists;
· $1.5 million for correctional health staffing at the new Maple Street Correctional Center;
· $2 million in SMC Saves grants that had not started as of June 30, 2015;
· $250,000 for California Clubhouse, a contracted community-based organization providing peer support for those with mental health issues.
Board President Carole Groom said the September revisions and the budget as a whole reflect the Board’s ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life for San Mateo County residents.
“Thanks to the County’s fiscal strength and the support of voters, we can invest in necessary projects like capital improvements and expand the critical services that already exist as we are by piloting Laura’s Law here,” Groom said.
As of June 30, 2015, the County’s retirement unfunded liability is also down $101.7 million to $702.2 million which Maltbie said places it on track to meet or exceed by two years the estimated 2023 pay-off date.
The complete budget is available at www.smcgov.org/budget.