The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday will adopt its final Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget after considering $113.8 million in September changes that include district-specific Measure A allocations, replacement of the property tax computer and $10.1 million in revenue increases.
In June 2016, as part of its two-year budget cycle, the Board of Supervisors approved a recommended budget of $2.6 billion with 5,438 authorized positions. The proposed final budget including $23.3 million in September revisions and $90.5 million in final fund balance adjustments is now $2.7 billion with 5,464 authorized positions. The General Fund budget is $1.8 billion with $170.1 million in reserves.
Key September revisions include:
· $16.3 million in Measure A appropriations, of which $1.2 million is new spending including the new Skylonda Fire Station, Wunderlich Park improvements and remodeling the Fair Oaks Library;
· $10.1 million in general purpose revenue increases, including property tax growth;
· Transfer the $4.8 million budget for the Property Tax System Replacement from the Controller’s Office to the Information Services Department;
· $1.4 million to add 10 permanent positions to the Information Services Department to align staff with ongoing needs and reduce extra-help and term staffing expenses;
· $7.6 million in net County cost adjustments due to labor negotiations and ongoing support for Core Service Agencies and compostable food trays at the new Maple Street Correctional Center; and,
· $574,000 to add six permanent positions to Public Safety Dispatch Communications to meet the terms of a new agreement with Daly City.
County Manager John L. Maltbie in June 2016 urged the Board as it considered the recommended budget to use fiscal restraint as the County faces its lowest general fund reserve level in 10 years and economists predict a coming mild recession. The $170.1 million reserves of the September budget are higher than the $154 million suggested earlier this year. However, Maltbie said the County must remain financially prudent.
“Staying disciplined and being cautious with our spending now allows us to maintain our fiscal strength in the face of a possible economic downturn and and continue our focus on providing a high quality of life and safety net services for all residents,” Maltbie said.
Next year, Maltbie will submit to the Board with its FY 2017-2019 budget a new five-year Capital Improvement and Infrastructure Program. Once adopted, Maltbie said it will be wise for the Board not to make significant changes without identify new sources of funding, eliminating projects or both.
The complete Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Recommended Budget is available at http://cmo.smcgov.org/budget-and-performance.
The Board of Supervisors will consider the proposed revisions and adopt the final budget at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20 in Board Chambers, 400 County Center, Redwood City.