Redwood City – The Property Tax Highlights publication, which shows property tax revenues collected and distributed to local governments operating within San Mateo County, is now available for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22.

“It’s important to our team that we provide taxpayers and residents visibility into the property tax dollars they pay and where those dollars go,” said Assistant Controller Kristie Silva. These taxes help fund the operations of local cities/towns, school districts, special districts, and the County, which provide essential services to the county’s residents.
Countywide combined property taxes total $3.3 billion for FY 2021-22, an increase of $129 million (or 4 percent) compared to the prior year, representing 11 consecutive years of property tax growth.
Vital to public services is the countywide 1 percent General Tax, totaling $2.7 billion, which is received by local government agencies. About 51 percent of General Taxes collected are distributed to school districts, 26 percent to the County, 15 percent to cities/towns, 7 percent to special districts, and 1 percent to successor agencies of former redevelopment agencies.
In addition, school parcel taxes and special charges from cities and special districts for services such as sewer maintenance, mosquito abatement and flood control totaling $342 million are included in property tax bills. Additional taxes to pay debt service amounts accounted for $313 million, which primarily pay for voter-approved bonds of local school districts.

County Controller Juan Raigoza encouraged all interested residents to visit his office’s website to learn more about property taxes and the County’s finances. In addition to the Property Tax Highlights publication, the site hosts annual reports including the Tax Rate Book, showcasing assessed property values by taxing agency and property tax rates by tax rate area, and the County’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Financial Highlights Report.
Kristie Silva, Assistant Controller
(650) 363-4777