On Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014, at 10 a.m. the Board of Supervisors will hold a workshop to set priorities for a two-year budget for Fiscal Years (FY) 2015-17, including the allocation of Measure A funds.
On Nov. 4, 2014, the Board established a FY 2015-17 Measure A application process and timeline that’s more cohesive, transparent and inclusive for departments and community partners to streamline the funding process. The Dec. 9 workshop will provide an opportunity for County staff, community partners and other stakeholders to identify and discuss critical priority areas and service gaps for the most vulnerable members and underserved areas of the community.
The following priority areas, identified by the County’s Shared Vision 2025, a set of guiding principles to inform how the County creates policies, budgets and programs, and input from community partners, residents and County staff will be considered by the Board for Fiscal Years 2015-17:
Public Health and Safety
Poverty and Safety Net
Protection of Children
Children’s Physical Fitness
Third Grade Reading Proficiency
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Water Conservation and Availability
Open, Responsive and Effective Government
The Board appropriated over $100 million in Measure A funding in FY 2013-15 to support the Big Lift early learning initiative; prevention and early intervention services for at risk children; design and architecture of a new Public Safety Dispatch Center; procurement of new fire engines and safety equipment; after school and summer reading programs; staffing, capital improvement projects and ongoing maintenance for County Parks; funding to Seton to ensure the continuity of health care services to low-income residents in the North County and the Coastside; and funding to SamTrans to ensure the continuity of paratransit services to the elderly and disabled.
The County generated $75 million in Measure A revenue in FY 2013-14 and that figure is expected to top $80 million in FY 2014-15 and future years until the Measure sunsets March 31, 2023. The amount allocated to new initiatives will be limited by the amounts used for the continuation of current initiatives, capital and IT infrastructure needs, and a prudent reserve.
In 2013, the County implemented a two-year budget process to facilitate longer-term financial planning and create time for the organization in the off-budget year to focus on performance improvements. The County’s FY 2014-15 Adopted Budget totals $2.2 billion.
For more information, contact Director of Budget and Performance Jim Saco at (650) 363-4439 or jsaco@smcgov.org.