A girl zooms down the new slide at Beresford Park in San Mateo on its grand re-opening.

Climbing nets and climbing towers are new features at Beresford.

An artist's rendering of the new Davey Glen Park in Belmont.
The Board of Supervisors on Sept. 22, 2015, approved a recommendation to provide $200,000 in Measure A funds to the cities of San Mateo, Belmont and Foster City to help fund parks projects equally in each city.
The first project completed was the July 2016 grand re-opening of Beresford Park in San Mateo. The popular park features new climbing towers, swings and other amenities for children and families.
Work is currently underway to create Davey Glen Park in Belmont a short distance west from El Camino Real on Davey Glen Road. In Foster City, officials are considering a major renovation of Leo J. Ryan Memorial Park.
What follows is the recommendation by the Board of Supervisors on Sept. 22, 2015.
Updates as of July 2016 are included below.
DISTRICT 2 (Supervisor Carole Groom) FY 2015-17 Measure A Request
Park Renovation and Creation Projects $200,000 one-time, equally divided among the cities of Belmont, Foster City and San Mateo
San Mateo County and its residents have a long-standing love for and commitment to our parklands and open space. In a continuing effort to make our parks as safe, clean, and accessible as possible, the use of $200,000 in district-specific Measure A funds will go a long way toward the renovation and improvement of three well-used parks in District Two. It is a worthy expenditure, investing in the future of our precious parks and the residents who frequent them. It is part of our ongoing vision that our parks continue to be wonderful public places for families, children, and all residents to be physically active, enjoy a peaceful respite, and take part in plentiful recreation opportunities.
The funds are to be equally distributed among the three cities in District Two, as follows: City of San Mateo -- $66,666.66 City of Belmont – $66,666.66 City of Foster City -- $66,666.66
The Parks and Recreation Department of each city will receive the funds in order to assist with the financing of the following park renovation and creation projects:
1. Beresford Playground Renovation Project City San Mateo
2. Leo Ryan Park Lawn Conversion and Bocce Courts Project Foster City
3. Creation of Davey Glen Park Belmont
1. Beresford Playground Renovation Project
(Update: The newly renovated playground opened in July 2016.)
The City of San Mateo is anticipating the upcoming renovation to the playground at Beresford Park. The current playground structure was installed in 1989 and at 25+ years is no longer compliant with safety regulations or ADA accessibility guidelines. Over the past several years, replacement parts needed for maintenance and repair have been nearly non-existent. As one of the two most frequented community playgrounds in the city (the other being Central Park), Beresford attracts over 20,000 visits per year even in its current state.
The public process for seeking community input for the re-design was unique in that staff collaborated with 5th grade teachers at Beresford Elementary School to develop a four- session school curriculum that included students in the conceptual design and community feedback phases and provided them an opportunity to design a playground of their dreams! Many of the design elements such as climbing towers, slides, and an outdoor adventure theme were incorporated into the final design.
The most recent cost estimate was at a minimum $300,000 over the amount of funds available. Community fundraising efforts (through a Commemorative Brick Campaign) are aiming to raise additional funds before construction begins in September 2015. The allocation of Measure A funds will help to provide funding to this important renovation project, making for a safer play structure for the children who visit Beresford Park and bringing to life the designs envisioned by community members, including the children themselves.
2. Leo Ryan Park Lawn Conversion and Bocce Courts Project -- $925,000
(Update: The project is on hold while the city studies the possibility of building a new recreation center and making other changes to the park.)
Foster City staff has evaluated the installation of an additional Bocce Court at Leo Ryan Park based on public input. After due diligence, staff recommends an expanded project to include approximately 27,575 square feet of lawn conversion in the area between the Recreation Center and The VIBE. The scope of the expanded project includes the following components:
· Renovation of existing (2) Bocce Courts in Leo Ryan Park
· Addition of two (2) Bocce Courts in Leo Ryan Park
· Lawn conversion of the area between the Recreation Center and The VIBE from natural grass to a combination of synthetic turf and sustainable, drought tolerant landscape elements
· Installation of a picnic and hardscape area that may also lend itself to a concession opportunity in the future
The entire location will be designed to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
This project achieves multiple important priorities, including:
· Community amenity – with the renovation and addition of two (2) Bocce Courts and picnic area
· Water conservation – with the lawn conversion, and the added benefit of being a deterrent to the water birds that negatively impact the Park
· Revenue generation – with the picnic and hardscape areas that create a space convenient for possible concession and/or rental
The total anticipated project cost is $925,000. Based on this budget, the project components include:
· Project design and administrative support
· Renovated (2) existing Bocce Courts (10’x76’)
· Two (2) new Bocce Courts (10’x76’)
· Lawn conversion
· Picnic / hardscape area
· Finish work: lighting, fencing, ADA compliance
Approved Funding Sources Fiscal Year 2015-2016:
· City Park-in-Lieu fees: $775,000
· Capital Investment – City Fund: $150,000
July 2015 – Dec 2015 Community Input Oct 2015 -- Feb 2016 Design/ Plan Checks March 2016 – July 2016 Bids / Insurance Aug 2016 – Dec 2016 Construction January 2017 -- Opening
The allocation of Measure A funds will assist the City of Foster City with the completion of these improvements at Leo Ryan Park.
3. Creation of Davey Glen Park
(Project Update: Construction began in July 2016.)
The Native Americans originally inhabited the area of Davey Glen Park, and it appears a small tribe lived near the El Camino and Davey Glen Road intersection. The site became part of a larger estate that was once owned by George Ross, a prominent attorney and co-founder of the City of San Mateo, and later Keith Davey who brought the Davey Tree Company to the west coast.
The City of Belmont is working on building this park because this neighborhood currently lacks park space. Starting in 2007, the City of Belmont began developing plans to build a park at this location.
The park design is the result of a lengthy and thorough public process, with the main goal of: Building a park that will serve all residents with places for play, rest, and the enjoyment and preservation of nature. In addition, the design goals for the park included:
- Work with the exiting topography/ reduce grading and minimal impacts and costs on the site
- Protect sensitive, steep slopes and wildlife habitat areas
- Provide equal park access to all
- Reduce the fire danger from the eucalyptus and brush
- Use long-lasting materials in keeping with the natural character of the site
- Choose water and city maintenance conscience plants
Funds used to build this project are coming from developer fees, grants, and fundraising, not from property tax. Therefore, Measure A funds will make a significant contribution toward the financing needed to create Davey Glen Park. The park design is proposed to include:
1. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) parking space, ramps and signage
2. Davey Glen Park sign and accent planting
3. Park entry steps and landings to provide users with the choice of a direct route or the ability to meander, pause, sit, rest, and enjoy key vistas of nature and into the park from several vantage points.
4. Low wall that retains the grade, screens the ramps and handrails below and creates a backdrop to display accent plantings.
5. ADA ramps that will match step material and hand/guardrails to be complementary.
6. Maintenance access path with material to match walks, steps and ramps.
7. Bench and/or seatwall opportunities.
8. Plantings: New high-canopy, deciduous trees and low understory plantings to allow vistas/safety monitoring and provide seasonal color and summer shade for enjoyment of park visitors.
9. Bottom landing that creates Park gateway, group gathering space, circular trike-track and bike parking.
10. Native/non-mow, low-water usage sedges and demonstration plantings.
11. Recycle and rubbish containers located in wood enclosure for ease of users and maintenance staff.
12. Perimeter plantings form soft park edges with layers of plant colors, textures and seasonal interest, providing privacy for both users and adjacent homeowners.
13. Walks offer park users a diversity of experiences, vistas & solar exposures including both sunny and open near the top of bank and partly shaded, protected and sheltered, closer to the seating area.
14. Open play area (+/-30’W x 54’L) for both active & quiet, passive uses. Synthetic turf will be used to ensure the area maintains a positive look and feel while reducing water and maintenance costs.
15. Seating area with four comfortable wood benches with backs.
16. Picnic Area that includes conversation tables for picnics and birthday parties. Shaded by planted trees, the site will be slightly set off from the play area with decorative walls.
17. Steep, sensitive slopes to be protected, undeveloped.
18. Park overlook with seatwall captures key vistas and a good location option for a future interpretive exhibit.
19. Interpretive signage – final locations, quantities, and content to be determined.
20. Park terminus and playground with activities and play structure for children is completely safety fenced.
Important note: This is a copy of the official report - item 22 on the Board's agenda.