“Our homes are now safe and we are so excited about our cost effective heaters and our new appliances.”
- Karen Francone, executive director, the Service League of San Mateo County

The Service League provides counseling, education and other services to help individuals and families rebuild their lives.
Update: The work authorized in the following staff report was completed in May 2016.
Important note: The following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Nov. 3, 2015.
DISTRICT 4: Use of District-Specific Measure A Funds (Supervisor Warren Slocum)
FY 2015-17 Measure A Request Service League of San Mateo County Replacement and Purchase of Hope House Equipment $55,000 One-Time Grant
This is a $55,000 one-time request to replace heating units and purchase refrigerators/freezers for Hope House residential treatment and transitional housing programs. The County Manager’s Office will work with Service League staff on terms of the grant agreement for this one-time contribution.

Residential Treatment Program – Hope House for Women and Infants:
Provides substance use disorder treatment services for 16 women, with up to 4 infants. The women served by this program have a variety of co-occurring disorders, including mental health issues, chronic medical issues, incarceration histories, homelessness, and trauma. Primary goals are reunification of mothers with children and other family members, recovery from substance use disorders, stabilization of mental and medical health issues, securing safe and affordable housing, and re-entry into the community as legal and productive members of society.
Measure A Request:
• Replacement of 8 heating units throughout two homes and classroom, increases safety during the winter for women and infants living in the homes which are located at 3787 A & B, and 3789 Hoover Street, Redwood City, CA 94063. Estimated Cost: $30,000.
• 3 Refrigerators/freezers (industrial type), increases the health and safety in our homes and improve food storage for our women and children. Estimated Cost: $5,000.
Transitional Housing-Hope House for Men and Women:
Provides safe and affordable housing for 24 men and women in 4 homes throughout Redwood City.
Measure A Request:
• Replacement of 6 heating units throughout four homes, increases safety during the winter for men and women living in our transitional homes located at 926 4th Avenue, 96 Buckingham Avenue, 1143 Marsh Road and 2820 Huntington Avenue, all located in Redwood City, CA 94063. Estimated Cost: $20,000.
Total Measure A Request: $55,000
The release of funds will be contingent on the execution of a Grant Agreement providing for the County’s confirmation of the expenditure of funds during FY 2015-16 for the purposes stated herein.
Important note: This is a copy of the official report -- item 9 on the Board's agenda.