Important note: The following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 7, 2015:

HIP Housing – Home Sharing Program ($300,000)

HIP Housing’s Home Sharing program offers a creative solution for expanding housing opportunities and choice in San Mateo County. It matches those who have space in their home with those who need an affordable place to live, maximizing housing inventory and turning existing housing stock into a new affordable housing option. It is the only program of its kind in San Mateo County and one of the largest in the country providing a housing option for 700 people each year.

Over 90% of the people using the Home Sharing program qualify as low to extremely low income by HUD standards. Additionally, 60% of those providing a space in their homes (Home Providers) are seniors aging in place. This project utilizes a 3-Pronged Approach, which includes a large-scale marketing campaign, hiring a Community Outreach Specialist, and cash incentives for new home providers. The term of the Agreement is through June 30, 2017 and shall not exceed $300,000. Payments will be made to reimburse HIP for actual costs incurred for the marketing campaign, outreach position, and cash incentives.

Payments during the second year will be based upon HIP meeting its goals to increase inquiry calls, provider interviews and homeshare matches by 40% over the term of the agreement. A waiver of the RFP process is requested because staff has determined  that the selected provider is the sole source for the unique services provided pursuant   to this agreement.


FY 2015-16


FY 2016-17


Number of Provider Inquiry calls



Number Providers Interviewed



Number of Matches Completed



Number of Incentives Distributed (matches meeting the 90 day threshold for eligibility)





The agreements and resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form. The resolution contains the County’s standard provisions allowing amendment of the County’s fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate), per agreement.

The resolution also contains a provision to allow the County Manager or designee to modify the performance measures to implement changes in the reporting requirements as may be appropriate to help the County more effectively communicate information about Measure A programs.  

These agreements contribute to the Shared Vision 2025 outcomes of a Healthy and Prosperous community by providing resources to assist the County’s low-income and underserved residents by maintaining the provision of safety-net health-care services, increasing the availability of affordable housing for County clients, and helping ensure low-income residents can age in place.

Important note: This is a copy of the official report -- item 6 on the Board's agenda.