Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Nov. 15, 2016.

A second Measure K grant of $56,000 for construction work was approved on June 6, 2017. That report can be found here.

DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley) FY 2016-17 Measure A Request Midcoast Multi-Modal Trail

Transfer $250,000 in Measure A Funds from Non-Departmental Services to Parks

The Midcoast Multi-Modal Trail (“Trail”) is a bicycle and pedestrian commuter trail that will provide alternative means of transportation for residents of the Midcoast; residents will be  able to safely access neighboring communities, town centers, schools and recreational destinations without having to travel on the highway. The Trail, commonly referred to as the Parallel Trail, was conceptualized in the community developed Highway 1 Safety and Mobility Improvement Study, Phase 1. The Trail will be able to serve residents of all ages and abilities as it will be separated from the highway and have minimal interaction with vehicular traffic.

(Learn more about the project on the Planning and Building website.)

The long term plan for the Midcoast Multi-Modal Trail is to extend from Montara south to Miramar where it will connect with the Naomi Patridge Trail in Half Moon Bay. This will provide for a continuous, regional bicycle and pedestrian commuter trail. By providing residents the opportunity to walk and bicycle throughout the coastside, congestion on the highway should improve and allow residents to travel more easily throughout the Midcoast.

This proposed Project will include construction of a 0.8-mile multi-use trail within 10.39 acres of undeveloped land within the Caltrans right-of-way land in the unincorporated community of El Granada, California. The Project site runs parallel to Cabrillo Highway (Highway 1)  between Coronado Street and Mirada Road. The proposed Project will become a component of the larger California Coastal Trail (CCT), which is a network of public trails for walkers, bikers, equestrians, and others along the 1,200-mile California coastline. Furthermore, the Project will enable people to safely commute by bicycle from El Granada to areas south of El Granada, and when additional segments are completed, serve as a connection to the Naomi Patridge trail which connects to Half Moon Bay.

Grant funds were secured from the San Mateo County Transportation Authority to initiate planning for this trail segment. The grant, secured by the Parks Department, allowed the Planning and Building Department and the consultant to develop conceptual plans. They also allowed for a robust community input process which helped shape the recommended conceptual designs. The conceptual design was completed to a 30% level.

The purpose of this Measure A funding is to supplement remaining funding that is needed to take designs for the Multimodal/Parallel Trail Segment 1 from 30% to 100%, including any costs associated with the Department of Public Works’ review of design engineering and permitting process.

Total Measure A Request: $250,000

Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 5 on the Board's agenda.