Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 16, 2015:
StarVista operates the Daybreak Transitional Living Program for Homeless Youth, a transitional living program specifically designed to meet the needs of homeless youth aged 16-21 in San Mateo County. In addition to meeting the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, Daybreak also offers the following services to clients: case management, independent living skills training, financial management, support with education, and job development. StarVista’s Transitional Housing Youth Services provides housing assistance and case management services, including Transitional Housing Placement Plus and Aftercare, for youth 18-24 developing independent living skills.
Transitional Housing Youth Services and Daybreak assist former foster youth, probation youth, and youth at risk of homelessness in developing vocational and educational outcomes that lead to self-sufficiency. Performance measures include the completion rate in job training or employment or enrollment in academic programs for youth in services at least 30 days and the percent of youth with individual case plans that transition to a positive living arrangement.
Measure | FY 2015-16 Projected | FY 2016-17 Projected |
Number of unique clients served by Daybreak and TYS Programs that stay 30 days or longer | 70 | -- |
Number of clients served in Daybreak and TYS programs for More than 30 days that are either:
80% 80% 80% |
-- -- -- |
Percent of youth in programs for more than 30 days that transition to a positive living program |
65% | -- |
A waiver of the RFP process is requested because staff has determined that the selected provider is the sole source for the unique services provided pursuant to this agreement. The term of the Agreement is July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $400,000.
Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 12 on the Board's agenda.