Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Oct. 10, 2015:
DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley) FY 2015-17 Measure A Request
Coravai LLC Youth Exploring Sea Level Rise Science (YESS) Pilot Project $12,000 one-time
This is a $12,000 one-time request to address: 1) low levels of diversity and engagement in long-term community planning projects; 2) the lack of locally-appropriate climate change education opportunities for high school science students; and 3) the need to engage more communities in the Office of Sustainability’s Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Community Task Force through creative public outreach.
In consideration for the County’s $12,000 payment, Coravai LLC will provide the following services, among others, in connection with the Youth Exploring Sea Level Rise Science (YESS) Pilot Project:
• Recruit and train 3-5 high school teachers and secure one participating school on the Bay and one on the Coast in San Mateo County for the 2016-17 school year;
• Provide a method for teachers and students to participate in field sessions, during which students will collect data on flooding extent, asset locations and elevations, and other key information for use in the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment, and will complete interviews with community leaders and community members living in at-risk locations;
• Organize community presentation options for students to do public speaking on sea level rise science and policy;
• Support students in preparing for and delivering community presentations and conducting interviews;
• Engage with at least one local artist to promote creative public engagement working with youth in the YESS program, the Game of Floods activity (developed by Marin County), and/or the Community Task Force to raise awareness of the San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment, the Office of Sustainability, and ;
• Produce and provide 500-1000 public awareness promotion items to youth and community participants of outreach events, such as beach safety whistle or t-shirts with YESS and/or themed message
The parties will utilize the County’s standard contract form and the Office of Sustainability will work with Coravai staff on a detailed scope of work, performance objectives and reporting, and payment schedule for the County’s Measure A funds in the agreement. The term of the contract will be from July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2017.
Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 13 on the Board's agenda.