San Mateo County voters in November 2012 approved Measure A, a half-cent countywide sales tax to fund County services and critical needs. The following includes actions taken by the Board of Supervisors to allocate Measure A funding to internal County departments and external agencies such as local cities and community-based organizations through June 2016.
Public Safety
Striving to Keep Schools Safe: San Mateo County Sheriff's Office
Fire Engine and Vehicle Replacement Fund: La Honda Fire Brigade
Coastside Tsunami and Disaster Response Coordinator: San Mateo County Sheriff's Office, City of Half Moon Bay and Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Preparing Former Inmates for Jobs: San Mateo County Parks and Human Services Agency
Combating Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation of Children: San Mateo County Sheriff's Office
Pescadero Fire Station Replacement: San Mateo County Fire/CalFire
Skylonda Fire Station Project: San Mateo County Fire/CalFire
Health and Mental Health
Providing Medical Services to Underserved Residents: Seton Medical Center and Health Plan of San Mateo
Mental Health System of Care for Adults -- Respite Center, Expansion of SMART, Alternatives to Jail: San Mateo County Health System
Mobile Medical Services in Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar and San Gregorio: San Mateo Medical Center Coastside Clinic
Countywide Oral Health Assessment: San Mateo County Health System, San Mateo County Oral Health Coalition
Linking Residents of Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar and San Gregorio with Health Care Services: Puente de la Costa Sur
Cordilleras Mental Health Center Replacement: San Mateo County Health System
San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Approves $5 Million to Aid Critical Nonprofits: The Service League, Our Common Ground, Project 90, Free at Last, The Latino Commission
Public Health Nurses for Children and Family Services' Clients: San Mateo County Health System and Human Services Agency
Youth and Education
The Big Lift -- Improving Reading Proficiency: County of San Mateo, San Mateo County Office of Education, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Cabrillo, La Honda-Pescadero, Jefferson Elementary and South San Francisco school districts
Prevention and Early Intervention -- Resources for Children At-Risk of Abuse, Trauma or Mental Illness: Health System, Human Services Agency and County Office of Education
Supported Training for Emancipated Foster Youth: San Mateo County Human Services Agency and Human Resources Department
Bipolar Early Assessment and Management: San Mateo County Health System, San Francisco Family Service Agency
Early Child and Adolescent Hotline and Prevention Program/Support Services for "Lucky Kids": StarVista
Skills for Parents Struggling with Defiant Children/Pacific Islander Initiative/Alcohol Sales: Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center
Prevention and Treatment Services for Families with Young Children: StarVista's Early Childhood Community Team
Multi-Cultural Services, Mental Health First Aid: One East Palo Alto, Ravenswood City School District and East Palo Alto Police
Advocates for Foster Youth and Mentor Training: Court Appointed Special Advocates
Expanding Summer Library Reading Programs: Peninsula Library System
Housing and Living Skills for Homeless Youth: San Mateo County Human Services Agency and StarVista's Daybreak Program
Help and Support for At-Risk Students in East Palo Alto -- Students with Amazing Goals (SWAG): San Mateo County Executive’s Office, Probation Department and Live in Peace
Youth Leadership Development and Employment: Puente de la Costa Sur
Sowing the Seeds for a Healthy Life, One School at a Time: UC Cooperative Extension 4H Healthy Living Ambassadors
School Buses for the Coast: Cabrillo Unified School District
Sponsored Employment as a Gateway to Jobs and Work: One East Palo Alto
Providing Tools to Support Education: Redwood City School District Familias Unidas
Training and Resources for Parents: Ravenswood City School District Parent Academy
Youth and Government Leadership: Joan and Lewis Platt YMCA
Mastering Math in Middle School: St. James Community Foundation
Tutoring Services for Foster Youth: Thrive Academics
Emerging Scholars Program for Foster Youth: Silicon Valley Children's Fund
Educational Support for Foster Youth: StarVista, Daly City Peninsula Partnership and Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County
Mentoring for At-Risk Teens: LEMO Foundation Playmakers
Help on the Road to Literacy: Peninsula Family Service
Youth Job Training and Development Services: American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Relations
Supporting Early Childhood Learning in San Mateo: Peninsula Family Service
Housing and Homelessness
Support for East Palo Alto Shelter/Expanding Homeless Outreach Teams: Project WeHOPE, InnVision Shelter Network (LifeMoves)
Safe and Affordable Housing for San Mateo County Farmworkers -- Agricultural Workforce Housing: San Mateo County Department of Housing
Emergency Food, Clothing, Shelter, Housing Assistance: Samaritan House for Core Services
Custom Performance Measurement and Service Improvements for Core Service Agencies: Bitfocus, AgreeYa and Clarity Human Services System
Homeless Prevention Assistance Program: Samaritan House and Core Service Agencies
Emergency Housing Assistance, Motel Vouchers, Roof Repairs at Pantry: InnVision Shelter Network (LifeMoves), Samaritan House, North Peninsula Food Pantry and Dining Center
Creating Affordable Housing -- Local Housing Trust Fund: Housing Endowment and Regional Trust
Help in Ending Homelessness -- System Redesign: Focus Strategies
Improving Housing for Adults with a Mental Illness: Telecare Corp. and City of South San Francisco
Dignity, Showers and Laundry for the Homeless: Project WeHOPE
Heaters, Refrigerators for Transitional Housing: Service League of San Mateo County
Feasibility of Creating a Homeless Shelter on the Coast: Home and Hope
Improving Housing for Low-Income Families: St. Francis Center
Repairs for Veterans 'Hoptel,' Family Homeless Shelters: InnVision Shelter Network (LifeMoves)
New Flooring and Hot Water Heaters: InnVision Shelter Network (LiveMoves)
Preserving Affordable Housing: HIP Housing/Human Investment Project
Expanding Home Sharing Opportunities: Hip Housing/Human Investment Project
Emergency Shelter Funds: Samaritan House Safe Harbor Shelter
Mediating Landlord-Tenant Disputes: Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center
Housing Innovation Fund -- Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing: San Mateo County Department of Housing/Grantees
Ensuring Safe Housing -- Augmented Housing Inspection Pilot Program: San Mateo County Health System Environmental Health
Preventing Displacement/Landlord and Tenant Information and Referral Services: Project Sentinel
Maple Street Shelter Renovation Boosted by $4.7 million in Measure A Funding: County of San Mateo, LifeMoves
Parks and Environment
Creating a Stand-Alone Parks Department/Devil's Slide Funding: San Mateo County Parks
San Mateo County Parks Strategic Plan
Cleaner Energy -- Community Choice Aggregation Program: San Mateo County Office of Sustainability
Drought and Water Storage Projects: Resource Conservation District and San Mateo County Parks
Lessons from Rising Seas: Youth Exploring Sea Level Rise: Coravai LLC
Improving Parks: Cities of San Mateo, Foster City and Belmont
Business Development Services for Parks: CHM Governmental Services, LLC
Restoring County Parks and Trails: Student Conservation Association
Mapping our County Parks and Trails: Student Conservation Association
Design for 2 Miles of New Wavecrest Trail: Coastside Land Trust
Measure A Funds Add to Pedro Point Headlands Open Space: City of Pacifica
Building Better Parks: San Mateo County Parks Foundation
Ravenswood Bay Trail Connection: Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Habitat Restoration and Trail Building at Pedro Point Headlands: Pacifica Land Trust
Cooley Landing Education and Community Center: City of East Palo Alto
Assessing and Managing Groundwater: Erler & Kalinowski, Inc.
Water Needs Assessment: San Mateo County Resource Conservation District
Older Adults and Veterans Services
Elder and Dependent Adult Protection: San Mateo County Health System, District Attorney's Office, County Counsel
Improving Services for Veterans, Increasing Outreach: San Mateo County Human Services Agency, Veterans Services Office
San Mateo County Veterans Needs Assessment: Report and Recommendations
Help for Adults with Dementia: Alzheimer's Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada
Meals and Friendly Visits for Older Adults: Daly City Peninsula Partnership Collaborative
Kinship Caregiver Mental Health Counseling: Edgewood Center for Children and Families
24-Hour 'Friendship Line' for Older Adults: Institute on Aging
Ensuring Seniors are Safe in Long-Term Care: Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County
Fall Prevention for Older Adults: San Mateo County Hospital Consortium and San Mateo County Emergency Medical Services
Support for Our Growing Senior Population: Foster City Village
Community Services
Support for Elderly and Disabled Residents: Subsidy to SamTrans or Paratransit Services
Open Data, Public WiFi, Performance Dashboards, Computer Software and System Development: San Mateo County Information Services Department
1 Million Pounds of Food, New Freezers and Equipment to Feed Individuals and Families in Need: Second Harvest Food Bank
Technology Upgrades to Improve Service: Coastside Hope, Pacifica Resource Center, Puente de la Costa Sur
San Mateo County will Fund New Library Facilities and Existing Library Remodels: South San Francisco, East Palo Alto, North Fair Oaks, Daly City, Pacifica, Half Moon Bay and Brisbane
North Fair Oaks Middlefield Road Redesign, Community Improvements: San Mateo County Public Works Department, Office of Sustainability, Planning and Building Department
Local Shuttle Bus for the Coast: San Mateo County Transportation Authority
New Case Management System to Improve Efficiency: Core Service Agencies
Promoting Active Transportation -- Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator: San Mateo County Office of Sustainability
Improving County Facilities and Infrastructure: Public Safety Dispatch, Emergency Operations and Data Center, Pescadero Fire Station, Cost Study to Replace Cordilleras Mental Health Facility and Install Hand Dryers and Vehicle Charging Stations
English for Adult Learners, Homework Support: Rosalie Rendu, Inc.
Measure A Education and Outreach Term Position: San Mateo County Executive’s Office
Remebering Our Past: Tanforan Assembly Center Memorial