Healthy, thriving children, youth and families.

Adoptions and Foster: Open your hearts and homes to a child
We protect the welfare of children; improve the lifelong stability of children and youth; and improve the health and strength of families.
We help families understand and solve the issues that lead to child neglect, abuse or exploitation. In those cases when a child must be removed from the home for safety reasons, we help families resolve their issues as soon as possible so that the child can be returned to a safe and loving home. When a child cannot be reunited with the biological family, we help identify a suitable adoptive home or other safe and permanent living arrangement.
If you need help, contact us today. We are here to help you.
Child Abuse Hotline:
650-595-7922 or 1-800-632-4615
San Mateo County 24-hour Parental Stress Warmline:
Leave Your Baby in Safe Arms:
If you are unable to keep or care for your newborn infant (72 hours old or younger), you can leave your baby anonymously in safe arms at any hospital emergency room or fire station in San Mateo County. See the toolkit, or click the image below for more information about the Safely Surrendered Baby service.