Important note: The following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Jan. 26, 2016:
District 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley)
FY 2015—17 Measure A Request Coastside Hope, Pacifica Resource Center, Puente del al Coast Sur New Computer Equipment $13,500 for Three One-Time Grants
This is a request for three one-time grants for a total of $13,500 that will provide funding for the three Coastside Core Service Agencies to upgrade their computer equipment. Since 1976, San Mateo County has partnered with community-based organizations, known as Core Service Agencies, to provide an array of emergency and support services to County residents struggling with meeting the most basic needs, such as shelter, food and clothing. There are currently eight Core Service Agencies which work in close collaboration with the Human Services Agency to provide assistance to individuals and families to stabilize their living situations, provide crisis intervention, financial assistance, and referrals based on evaluation of needs and qualifications for assistance.
Three of these are located on the Coastside and serve the residents of District 3. Coastside Hope’s mission is to offer basic life necessities with dignity and hope to midcoast residents. Coastside Hope has requested $3,500 to replace two desktop computers and add one laptop computer. This purchase will replace outdated computer equipment and allow Coastside Hope to better serve its clients. ($3,500 total) The Pacifica Resource Center’s (PRC) mission is to help stabilize Pacifica families and individuals by providing a safety net of food, housing assistance, and other critical services along with advocacy, coaching, information, and referral. PRC has requested $5,000 to replace six desktop computers and additional computer storage.
This purchase will replace outdated computer equipment and allow PRC to better serve its clients. ($5,000 total) Puente Costa De La Sur’s (Puente) mission is to advocate for its communities and leverage resources that foster economic prosperity and security, and that promote individual and community health and wellness.
Puente has requested $5,000 to purchase six mini-tower computers and two switches. This purchase will allow Puente to more effectively share desk space in the Puente building that is used for the South Coast Health Care Project/Puente Clinic. ($5,000 total)
Total Measure A Request: $13,500 The release of funds will be contingent on the execution of a Grant Agreement providing for the County’s confirmation of the expenditure of funds during FY 2015-15 for the purposes stated herin.
Important note: This is a copy of the official report -- item 8 on the Board's agenda.