Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Dec. 13, 2016:


DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley)

FY 2016-17 Measure K Request: Butano Creek 2D Model Development and Climate Change Modeling Project

One-Time Transfer of $45,600 in Measure K Funds for a contract with cbec eco engineering

There are multiple projects being pursued by a variety of agencies related to various aspects of Butano Creek and the Pescadero Marsh. Included in these are 1) the DPW-led Butano Creek Bridge Feasibility Study, 2) the Office of Sustainability-led Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment, 3) Pescadero Fire Station Replacement assessment, 4) the RCD-led project to reduce sediment flow into Butano Creek, and 5) the State Department of Parks and Recreation- led effort to address ongoing kill of threatened Steelhead in the Pescadero Marsh Lagoon.

Measure A funds will enable cbec eco engineering (“cbec”) to develop a two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic and sediment transport model of the lower reaches of Butano Creek, Pescadero Creek, and the Pescadero Marsh and Lagoon. The model will be used to support the above- referenced Butano Creek Bridge Feasibility Study, which is currently underway, and will also be used to project changes to system dynamics related to future climate change scenarios. The model has potential to contribute to analysis of fish passage solutions for Butano Creek, potential restoration/management projects, and analysis related to potential relocation of the Pescadero Fire Station.

This work is of urgent interest in light of the most extensive fish kill yet recorded in Pescadero which took place in early November 2016, current extension of the County’s Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment to the South Coast, and the pressing need to conclude research on the replacement of the 1950s-era Pescadero Fire Station located adjacent to Butano Creek in a FEMA flood zone.

This funding, in addition to approximately $60,000 in funding already budgeted in the Office of Sustainability, will provide sufficient funds for development of the 2D hydraulic and sediment transport model.

The Office of Sustainability will administer the contract with technical assistance and expertise provided by the Department of Public Works.

Total Measure K Request: $45,600

Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 6 on the Board's agenda.