On Wednesday morning December 21, 2022, San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office Gun
Violence Prevention Program (GVPP) Detectives, in collaboration with the Menlo Park Police
Department served a search warrant that resulted in the seizure of prohibited firearms in the City
of Menlo Park. The GVPP Detectives identified Kristian Arnaldo Arguello as a “prohibited
person” who is not allowed to possess firearms and/or ammunition based upon a 2015 criminal
conviction. Arguello had firearms still registered in his name, despite the 2015 prohibition.
GVPP Detectives obtained a search warrant for Mr. Arguello’s residence, and they worked
closely with the Menlo Park Police Department’s Investigations Division. As a result of the
search warrant served yesterday on the 1300 Block of Henderson Avenue in Menlo Park,
Detectives recovered an unregistered and prohibited AR15 assault weapon, numerous high
capacity magazines for the AR15, hundreds of rounds of .223 ammunition, a Glock .40 caliber
handgun, a Beretta 9mm handgun and 9mm and .40 caliber ammunition.
Kristian Arnaldo Arguello was taken in custody and booked into the San Mateo County Jail for
29805(A)(1) PC, 30605(a) PC, and 30305(a)(1) PC, two of which are felony charges. This was a
collaborative effort by our Gun Violence Prevention Program Detectives and the Menlo Park
Police Department that will help keep our communities in San Mateo County safer.
December 22, 2022