Important note: The following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Aug. 4, 2015:

DISTRICT 4 (Supervisor Warren Slocum)

FY 2015-17 Measure A Request Joan and Lewis Platt YMCA Youth and Government Leadership Program $40,000 one-time

The Joan and Lewis Platt YMCA in East Palo Alto’s Youth & Government leadership program teaches youth about the democratic process, helps them develop as critical thinkers, builds an awareness of social issues and grows confidence in their own abilities to create solutions. Youth & Government meets several times a week during the year, and engages students in state-wide conferences where they have the opportunity to present their ideas for legislative change and engage in respectful debates with teens of diverse backgrounds.

Knowing that they have a voice in the governance of their local, state, national and global communities can open their eyes to their own potential and ignite their passion for serving others. Civic engagement also helps youth build skills for becoming successful adults. Through this program, youth gain greater awareness of the community, understand the value of differences, practice cultural competency skills, build confidence in their abilities to contribute to society and develop skills in leadership, citizenship, planning, and communication.

The $40,000 in funding will allow 30 youth to participate in Youth & Government. The program meets three times a week over the course of a year. The youth in the program also have YMCA membership during their program enrollment so they have access to the YMCA Teen Center and fitness facilities.

The youth also attend three conferences during the year. The funding will also provide for three volunteers to attend the conferences to chaperone the youth. HSA will work with YMCA staff on building performance measures and targets into the agreements.

Important note: This is a copy of the official report -- item 5 on the Board's agenda.