Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 16, 2015:

To:              Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:         William Lowell, Director

Subject: Agreement with Baird + Driskell Community Planning for 21 Elements Consulting and funding agreement with the City/County Association of Governments


Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of the Department of Housing or the Director’s designee to execute agreements with:

A)                 Baird + Driskell Community Planning, in an amount not to exceed $400,000 over the two year term of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017 to conduct the 21 Elements Project; and

B)                 The City/County Association of Governments for receipt of $87,500 of C/CAG funds for reimbursement of Project costs incurred in FY 2015-16.


The Department of Housing (DOH) and City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) have co-sponsored a multi-year project known as the 21 Elements Project (“Project”) through which all jurisdictions in San Mateo County cooperate to update their respective Housing Elements and share information on housing policies and programs. The Project has proceeded through six phases as follows: conducting the Sub-  Regional Housing Needs Allocation process (2006–08); providing technical assistance and shared resources to jurisdictions to assist with Housing Element preparation (2007– 09); assisting with implementation of jurisdictions’ Housing Element action plans (2009– 11); negotiating a streamlined pre-qualification process with State HCD and   participating in the Sustainable Communities Strategy development process (2011–12); again conducting the Sub-Regional Housing Needs Allocation for a new cycle (2012– 13); and helping jurisdictions meet deadlines for the current Housing Element update cycle (2013–15). Currently 21 Elements is coordinating a county-wide Nexus Study associated with possible residential and commercial impact fee ordinances.

The 21 Elements Project provides tools that help participating jurisdictions meet or exceed State requirements while reducing their housing element production and implementation costs.

On October 23, 2012, the Board approved a three-year contract in the amount of $400,000 with Baird + Driskell Community Planning (BDCP) as lead consultants for Phase 6 of the project. All 21 jurisdictions subscribed for Phase 6 services and each contributed to cost sharing based on the level of service each received. C/CAG has been responsible for collecting the jurisdictions’ contributions, and agreed to cover the balance of the total project costs on an annual basis. DOH has been responsible for project management and contract administration, and has charged 50% of related direct staff time to an annual contract with C/CAG.

In each of the previous three fiscal years C/CAG contributed $125,000 toward project costs. The County’s current agreement with C/CAG describes C/CAG’s intention to continue to reimburse a share of project costs in FY2015-16. In addition, the Board expressed its support for the 21 Elements Project at its March 17, 2015 study session on affordable housing, and authorized the use of Measure A funds for various projects including 21 Elements at its regular meeting on April 28, 2015.


The County’s agreement with BDCP will be for a two-year term, at a total cost not to exceed $400,000. The contract amount for FY 2015-16 will be $200,000, and will be funded by contributions of $87,500 from County funds, $87,500 from C/CAG funds, and the remaining $25,000 from fees paid by the 20 cities participating in the 21 Elements Project. The County can terminate the BDCP contract without obligation or penalty if, for example, funding from C/CAG or other sources cannot be secured for the second year.

Authorization also is requested for waiving the Request for Proposals process.

The Board’s approval of an agreement with BDCP is accompanied by a separate Board action to approve an agreement with C/CAG to contribute $87,500 of Congestion Relief Funds to the County for the 21 Elements Project for FY2015-16. 

County Counsel has reviewed and approved the amendment and resolution as to form.

Approval of this action contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Livable Community by facilitating cost-savings and quality-improvement in performance of State mandated planning activities for the County and cities, and by removing governmental impediments to production of housing of types and in places that increase opportunity and quality of life for residents countywide.



FY 2014-15 Actual

FY 2015-17 Projected

Participating jurisdictions that report satisfaction with value received from the 21 Elements Project

21 of 21

21 of 21


Net county cost is $175,000. Measure A funds from the FY 2015-17 budget, to be allocated to the Department of Housing for various affordable housing purposes including the 21 Elements Project, will be the source of the County’s contribution

Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 48 on the Board's agenda.