Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 25, 2017:
DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley)
FY 2016-17 Measure K Request Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Oaks – Corridor Safety Improvement Analysis Transfer $78,450 to the Department of Public Works
The County of San Mateo Traffic Services, in collaboration with the City of Menlo Park, will implement a corridor study along a portion of Santa Cruz Avenue from Sand Hill Road to the Alameda de las Pulgas. The goal of this study is to evaluate possible roadway configuration alternatives along Santa Cruz Avenue to determine what safety and functionality improvements can be achieved for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
The alternatives analysis will assess the feasibility of one lane of travel in each direction, with a center turn lane; two lanes of travel in either direction, no two-way left-turn, with left-turns allowed from the inside lane; and two lanes of travel in either direction, no two-way left-turn lane, with left-turns not allowed. The analysis will look at the Level of Service (LOS) delay, as well as queuing for the surrounding intersections.
The analysis will also look at how the alternatives may impact parallel routes with each alternative scenario. This comprehensive corridor study came out of a request made by the community at a community meeting held on January 23, 2017, for additional traffic analysis along Santa Cruz Avenue. The Department of Public Works will oversee the Corridor Safety Improvement Analysis along Santa Cruz Avenue. The Department of Public Works will receive a total of $78,450.
Total Measure K Request: $78,450
Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 19 on the Board's agenda.