Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Nov. 15, 2016:
DISTRICT 3 (Supervisor Don Horsley) DISTRICT 4 (Supervisor Warren Slocum) FY 2015-17 Measure A Request California Clubhouse
Capital expenditure: Purchase of a 12-person passenger van
This is a request to authorize a $30,072.25 grant to finance the purchase of a 12-person passenger van for the California Clubhouse to support its countywide mental health program, clients and the staff. The proposed grant agreement will be administered and managed by the County Manager’s Office.
California Clubhouse is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves a community of recovery, hope and dignity for people living with mental illness. Clubhouse is a membership-based social/vocational community where people living with persistent mental illness come to rebuild their lives by building upon strengths and abilities.
Participation is free. The Clubhouse offers a weekday, work orientated structure with social and recreational opportunities on evenings and weekends where people build upon their strengths and abilities and come to socialize on evenings and weekends.
The mission of California Clubhouse is to give those whose lives have been disrupted by mental illness the opportunity to recover meaningful work and relationships as they reintegrate into the broader community. They empower people who live with mental illness through work, friends, resources support, and an overarching ethic that focuses on building strengths rather than managing illness.
The value of the Clubhouse model has been researched and demonstrated. Clubhouse members have higher employment numbers, reduced hospitalizations, reduced incarcerations and improved well-being. The California Clubhouse was started locally in San Carlos two years ago with Measure A dollars. The program has grown exponentially and it is filling a much needed niche in the behavioral health services provided in our county.
The California Clubhouse program has grown more quickly than was originally anticipated because it is filling an unmet need in the County. Increased participation in the program required larger facilities which resulted in a lease termination that was effective July 30, 2016, necessitating a move. The new location (also in San Carlos) is more spacious and great fit for the program but it is further from neighborhood transit hubs and shopping. That’s why the request for a van was not part of the original 2013- 15 funding request. The proposed van will fill transportation gaps experienced by staff and members and used to deliver services and decrease access barriers for new and existing members—as most do not drive.
The performance measures for this grant will reflect the use of the van through the documentation referenced below. The van will support day-to-day activities such as bank deposits, grocery shopping for the meal program, attending local community meetings and events, conducting recruitment presentation, and Transitional Employment site visits. It will also provide members transportation to social program field trips and community wellness-related activities.
The total allocation request for the California Clubhouse is $30,072.25. These funds will be paid directly to Towne Ford for the order and purchase of the 12-seat passenger van (see information below). Title to the van will be transferred directly from Towne Ford to California Clubhouse which will be responsible for insurance, maintenance, repairs, licensing, and all other costs associated with owning and operating the passenger fan.
Towne Ford has offered California Clubhouse a service package at a reduced cost to support the mission of the program.
The release of grant funds will be contingent on the execution of a grant agreement.

* Folsom SC - Bid requested, not received.
Performance Measures
The following performance measure will be used to track progress on the impact of these grant funds:
• Purchase and delivery of a twelve seat passenger van by June 30, 2017
• Documentation of the van put into program usage (e.g., calendar, photo, newsletter)
Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 6 on the Board's agenda.