Important note: the following recommendation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 11, 2017:

To:              Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:          James C. Porter, Director of Public Works

Subject:      Measure K: Plans and Specifications for Middlefield Road Parking Lot Project [County Project No. OD438, Project File No. E4956000]


Measure K: Adopt a resolution:

A)     Adopting the plans and specifications, including conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements, for the Middlefield Road Parking Lot Project – North Fair Oaks Area; and

B)     Authorizing the Director of Public Works to call for sealed bids to be received by Thursday, May 4, 2017, at 2:30 p.m., in the office of the County Manager/Clerk of the Board of Supervisors; and

C)     Authorizing the Director of Public Works to extend the call for bids and bid opening up to sixty (60) calendar days beyond the time and date originally set forth by the Board of Supervisors.


In November 2011, your Board adopted the North Fair Oaks Community Plan. A major component of that plan is the re-design of Middlefield Road between Pacific and Fifth Avenues to create a more attractive street with improved pedestrian and bicycle amenities.

On July 9, 2013, your Board approved the redesign of Middlefield Road in North Fair Oaks from Pacific Avenue to Fifth Avenue using $12.5 million of Measure K funds.

On October 21, 2014, the North Fair Oaks Community Council (Council) presented your Board with recommendations regarding the redesign of Middlefield Road between Pacific and Fifth Avenues and requested that the County proceed with the next steps for the Middlefield Road Redesign Project. The Council’s recommendations included redesigning Middlefield Road to include: three traffic lanes (one travel lane in each direction with a center left turn lane), parallel parking, bike lanes, and sidewalks wide enough to accommodate street amenities such as benches and other seating, greenery, street and pedestrian lighting, trash and recycling receptacles, street art and public spaces. Additionally, the Council recommended that reports or studies be prepared related to signalization and traffic management for the project area, a parking solutions report, and a local business sustainability plan.

Middlefield Road, currently a four-lane road, is a primary thoroughfare in North Fair Oaks for all modes of transportation including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and drivers.


Middlefield Road currently supports diagonal parking along most blocks between Pacific and Fifth Avenues. The proposed redesign of Middlefield Road will include replacing  the on-street diagonal parking with parallel parking to create the space needed for wider sidewalks, bike lanes, and landscaping. Both the existing on-street parking shortage and the loss of parking associated with the redesign were identified in the 2011 North Fair Oaks Community Plan and its associated Environmental Impact Report.

The Middlefield Road Redesign Project is anticipated to eliminate approximately 40 or more on-street parking spaces along Middlefield Road. As part of the Middlefield Road Redesign Project, the community identified the importance of mitigating the loss of on- street parking. As a result of the parking issues and concerns, the County purchased properties along Middlefield Road to be used for the proposed Middlefield Road Parking Lot Project (Project). The Project is designed to replace most of the on-street parking that will be eliminated as a result of the Middlefield Road Redesign Project and also provide parking relief for the nearby community.

The Project is located at the corner of Middlefield Road and Second Avenue at 3060, 3070, and 3080 Middlefield Road. The Department held a community meeting on October 13, 2016 to obtain input from the community on the Project elements. The Project includes construction of a 0.38 acre paved parking lot with a capacity for up to 43 vehicles, and includes Low Impact Development or LID stormwater features to capture, retain, and treat stormwater through vegetative media from the Project area before it is discharged to the storm drain system. The Project also includes lighting, decorative fencing, and electrical systems that can support electric car charging stations.

The plans and specifications for the Project have been prepared and staff is recommending that your Board authorize calling for bids for the proposed work. Environmental review is underway and the results will be presented to your Board for action at a later date.

County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution as to form.

Approval of this action will contribute to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Livable Community by constructing a parking lot for the public in the North Fair Oaks area to help support a more livable community.


A portion of the Measure K funds previously approved by your Board for the Middlefield Road re-design project will be used for this Project. The total estimated construction cost for this Project is $423,000.

There is no impact to the General Fund.

Important note: this is a copy of the official report -- item 46 on the Board's agenda.