San Mateo County Manager John L. Maltbie today unveiled a two-year balanced budget for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 fiscal years that invests in affordable housing, foster care, early childhood education and public safety while rebuilding aging infrastructure and continuing the County’s implementation of federal health care reform.
The Recommended Budget for FY 2015-16 is $2.4 billion, up from $2.2 billion for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The Recommended Budget for FY 2016-17 is $2.3 billion.
“This budget, based on Board direction, invests in the future of our county and in so doing envisages a community that is safer, healthier and more prosperous for everyone,” Maltbie said. “By investing in affordable housing, foster care and child care, we can make this a better community and keep the American Dream alive in San Mateo County.”
The Recommended Budget promotes the three major milestone goals adopted in February by the Board of Supervisors: to end homelessness, improve educational outcomes for foster youth and strengthen childhood literacy by 2020.
The number of new positions in the Recommended Budget total 93 in the 2015-16 fiscal year and two in FY 2016-17. The recommended new positions are primarily for the new Office of Sustainability; continued implementation of the Affordable Care Act; increased capacity for the County’s Health and Parks systems; increased support for the County’s growing IT infrastructure; and opening of the new Maple Street Correctional Center. The new facility, which will replace the outdated existing Women’s Correctional Center, is expected to be completed in November 2015 with occupancy beginning in March 2016.
Overall County staffing remains 6 percent below pre-recession figures.
The most significant changes to the budget include:
• $278 million for capital improvement projects, including completing the Maple Street Correctional Center, constructing both a Public Safety Communications/Office of Emergency Services building and Animal Control Shelter, and replacing the Cordilleras Mental Health Center and the Skylonda and Pescadero fire stations.
• $47.8 million in IT infrastructure, including a new coordinated case management system (CJIS) to be used jointly by the District Attorney, the Probation Department, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Courts; replacement of the current assessment and tax payment systems (ATS); operating and network systems upgrades; and relocation of the County’s data center.
• $78 million towards negotiated salary and benefit increases and the corresponding increase in charges by internal services departments to recoup the higher wages.
• $11 million for affordable housing emphasizing support for the homeless, mentally ill, disabled, foster youth and those in recovery.
• $15 million contribution towards the Big Lift, a collaborative effort with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and the County Office of Education to enhance early childhood education and increase reading proficiency by the end of third grade.
• $19.5 million per year in additional pension contributions to continue the accelerated pay down of the County’s unfunded pension liability.
• $12 million contribution towards the construction of the new Half Moon Bay Library.
• Establishment of the new Office of Sustainability to focus on renewable energy, resource conservation, alternative transportation and greenhouse gas emission reductions.
The Recommended Budget hearings for FY 2015-17 will begin at 9 a.m. on Monday, June 22, in the Board of Supervisors Chambers on the first floor of the Hall of Justice and Records, 400 County Center, Redwood City, 94063. Hearings will continue at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23, and Wednesday, June 24, in the Board Chambers.
The FY 2015-17 Recommended Budget and the complete hearings schedule are available at