The Board of Supervisors on Dec. 15, 2015 approved five agreements with key local agencies that will help individuals with disabilities and low incomes, veterans, the homeless and other residents.
The agreements are with:
The San Mateo County Transit District to subsidize services to youth, elderly and disabled residents. The total is $5 million annually in Fiscal Years 2015-16 and 2016-17. SamTrans paratransit services (Redi-Wheels and Redi-Coast) provides more than 290,000 rides each year.
Adobe Services to provide housing opportunities for chronically homeless individuals and homeless families. The agreement is for $1.39 million through June 30, 2017.
InnVision Shelter Network to add funding for the continuation of the Motel Voucher Program, which provides emergency shelter for homeless families. The agreement increases funding by $1.25 million.
The St. Francis Center of Redwood City to purchase and install furnishings for its community room and two study centers. This is a $30,000 grant submitted by Supervisorial District 4.
InnVision Shelter Network to repair three existing facilities:
1) The Veteran’s Hoptel in East Palo Alto, which serves homeless veterans; $13,715 for a new roof
2) Haven Family House in Menlo Park, which shelters homeless families; $32,000 for five hot-water heaters and roof repairs
3) Redwood Family House in Redwood City, which shelters homeless families; $8,500 for asphalt repairs.
This totals $56,925 in grants submitted by Supervisorial District 4.