Local Funds for Local Needs

Measure K is a half-cent, countywide sales tax extension approved by San Mateo County voters in 2016. The Board of Supervisors allocates funds from Measure K to maintain and upgrade our parks, enhance early learning opportunities to close the achievement gap, expand access to quality health and mental health care, build and protect affordable housing, promote public safetysupport seniorsdisabled individuals and veterans and improve the quality of life for all.

The page lists lists one-time Measure K-funded grants approved by the Board in 2016 at the recommendation of Adrienne Tissier, the District 5 Supervisor at that time. Supervisor Tissier served three terms as the District 5 Supervisor and, due to term limits, retired from the Board at the end of 2016.

We invite you to visit the Measure K home page to learn more about how local funds are meeting local needs.

Careers Beyond Computers: $95,000. This grant supports the Trades Introduction Program, which introduces participants to potential careers in the construction trades. Approved December 2016.

Community Health: $700,000. This grant contributes to a project to expand program space for the Daly City Youth Health Center, which provides free health care, counseling and other services to youth and young adults in northern San Mateo County. Approved December 2016.

Safe Streeets: $60,000. This grant to Operation Lipstick, which stands for Ladies Involved in Putting a Stop to Inner-City Killing, will go toward public workshops and educational events regarding gun safety and gun ownership. Approved December 2016.

Early Learning Enhancements: $245,000. This grant to Peninsula Family Service to enhance two early learning programs for children from families with low incomes in Daly City. Approved April 2016.

Brisbane Library: $300,000. This grant to the City of Brisbane contributes to the planning and design of a new public library. Approved March 2016.


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