County of San Mateo's Vision for Equity

All San Mateo County residents and staff experience just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. The County of San Mateo recognizes historical and current structural policies and practices that continue to harm people of color, LGBTQ+ communities, and those with disabilities. All people in the county are also harmed when one segment of the population is not able to fully participate. 

Our aim is to create a strong, diverse, and equitable county where all people feel a deep sense of belonging and are empowered to voice their needs and manifest their aspirations.

To achieve equity, the County of San Mateo must work to create the conditions that allow all to reach their full potential.

Board of Supervisors adopted Equity Ordinance (May 7, 2024)

Board of Supervisors adopted resolution to Advance and Improve San Mateo County's Racial Equity Efforts (September 14, 2021)

Board of Supervisors adopted resolution Committing the County of San Mateo to the Anchor Institution Framework (March 8, 2022) 

ORSJ Theory of Change

How does the County expect our contributions to make a difference in the community?

A County commitment to equity without action is not a true commitment. To identify actions, we must first have a theory as to how best we, as a County government jurisdiction, can contribute most strategically and effectively to advancing equity. The theory of change shared in this section identifies bringing an equity lens into County operations as the most effective way to create sustainable change. The greatest assets the County has are its staff, its programs, its resources, and its platform as a leader. If we can bring an equity lens into our operations, we could more effectively ensure that our biggest assets are our greatest contribution to advancing equity. If we are successful at bringing an equity lens into operations, we will see the County have more equitable resource allocation, policies, procedures, democratic inclusion, and services that will in turn contribute to a shift in the sense of belonging and power for all our communities.