Commissioner Manning is a California State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser (License # AR005371) and has been actively engaged in the practice of real estate valuation since 1973 when he started to work for The Colwell Company, a mortgage banker in Los Angeles then listed on the American Stock Exchange. He became a FNMA (Fannie Mae) approved appraiser in 1980 (#1182829) and was on the FHA panel in the 1980’s. Before licensing was implemented in the State of California in 1993, Mr. Manning had appraised all types of properties including residential properties, apartments, commercial and industrial use buildings, a golf course, ranches, mountain cabins, Houses of Worship, and others. Once licensing became a reality, Mr. Manning chose to specialize in residential type properties including new construction and complex type appraisals.

Mr. Manning has qualified as an expert witness in both Superior Court (Santa Clara County) and in the United States Federal District Court( Northern District of California) where he was an expert witness in one of the largest real estate fraud cases in California history (U.S. vs. George I. Benny).

Mr. Manning is a published author of Public Trust Betrayed: The Truth Behind the Real Estate Appraisal Industry. Blurbs for the book include Kenneth Harney, Syndicated Columnist for the Washington Post and Jane Bryant Quinn, author of Making the Most of Your Money NOW and CBS MoneyWatch.

Pasadena City College
Attended Pasadena City College, Pasadena, Calif. 1973-1975 “Real Estate Appraisal I” residential appraisal; “Real Estate Appraisal II” (Income property appraisal); “Legal Aspects of Real Estate”; “Real Estate Finance”; and “Real Estate Investments”.

Appraisal Institute
Standards of Professional Practice, Part B at Clark Kerr Campus, UC Berkeley 1996.

Appraisal Institute’s Summer Conference 2002, The New Valuation Profession: A World of Opportunity at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu, HI.

Standards of Professional Practice, Part A at Clark Kerr Campus, UC Berkeley 1996.

World Savings Continuing Education
“Weathering Risk” Los Gatos, Calif. 2004

Acheson Course Provider
“Professional Witness”; “Complex Residential Appraisals”;  “Appraisal Review”; “Fair Housing”; “Condo’s & Small Units”; “USPAP”; “Federal & State Laws & Regulations”.  So. San Francisco, CA 2000.

McKissock Course Provider
“Appraising for the Secondary Market”; “Private Appraisal Assignments”; “Appraiser Liability”; “Appraisal Trends”; On-line classes 2008.

“2012-2013 National USPAP Update Course”; “Introduction to the Uniform Appraisal Dataset”; “REO and Foreclosures”; “Residential Appraisal Review”; “Residential Report Writing”; “Mortgage Fraud”; “Land and Site Valuation”; “Appraising Apartments” On-line courses 2012. (This represents a partial list).

The Colwell Company
Employed as an appraiser from 1973 to 1976 in Los Angeles. Duties included appraising properties for both new construction, home improvements, and foreclosures.

Appraisal Service of California
Employed initially as an appraiser from 1979 to 1982 in San Jose, California before being promoted to Vice-President of Operations.

Equitable Appraisal Company
Founder and President of Equitable Appraisal Company (now James E. Manning, Inc.) from 1982 to the present in Santa Clara (moved to Half Moon Bay in San Mateo County  in 1994). Appraised thousands of properties over the past forty years.

World Savings
Worked as a “WIC” (World Savings Independent Contractor) performing appraisals for World Savings (Golden West Financial) in both San Mateo County and Santa Clara County from 2003-2006. This relationship concluded when Wachovia Bank purchased World Savings and was then folded into Wells Fargo.