The County of San Mateo is committed to ensuring a complete count of all residents in Census 2020.  Large segments of the county have historically been hard to count or are expected to be less likely to respond given the current political climate.  Therefore, we aim to work with trusted community partners to educate, motivate, and activate residents in participating in the census.  The county is seeking proposals from community organizations to assist in outreach to motivate and activate residents to complete their 2020 census surveys.  Applications should detail culturally and linguistically tailored strategies for motivating and educating the least likely to respond residents that they propose to target for census outreach.  Strategies can be a mix of what has worked in the past and innovative/creative ideas.

​Proposers must be from not-for-profit organizations and can include:
  • Organizations: must be a nonprofit, tax-exempt such as a 501(c)3 or 501(c)6, or an organization that files a 990, 990 EZ, or 990-N with the IRS and serves San Mateo County.
  • Government Agencies:​ San Mateo County cities or special districts (including school districts), or County Departments
  • School groups: Must provide educational services to resident students in San Mateo County
  • Joint Proposers:​ Proposer groups comprised of two or more organizations
  • RFP Released: November 25, 2019 3:00 PM PST
  • Deadline for questions, comments, and exceptions: December 9, 2019 5:00 PM PST
  • Proposal due date and time: December 19, 2019 5:00 PM PST

RFP #OCA1003 Documents

  1. RFP #OCA1003 - Attachment A (word .doc)

Questions + Answers

​Will you be posting other organization's questions for all questions submitted after you review today?

Yes, all questions and answers will be posted here, as well as on Public Purchase.

​What is your funding priority? This is your 3rd round and our first with you but we've been funded with SVCF/UWBA so we want to make sure we understand what you can fund before we submit?

​The RFP lists on page 4: San Mateo County will prioritize funding for organizations that can reach the following populations which are currently underserved in the regional outreach ecosystem:

  • Black/African American community
  • Children 0-5 years old
  • Latinx community
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People with disabilities
  • Seniors
  • Veterans

What is your reporting structure? We've found this is a changing coordinated effort which we appreciate but want to make sure we can meet.

​We have developed a reporting structure to be used by SCVF and UWBA.  If you are funded by San Mateo County and the UWBA, you only have to upload information to one form, which will then be sent to both organizations.

​We're from the SSF City and while we do have an IRS number which defines us as non-profit, we want to confirm this is what we can use as our number for submitting our application?

​Yes, that is acceptable.

​We know you've mentioned insurance and other items but want to make sure we include all items needed for request for funding especially as we are a city requesting funding and our documents are sometimes merged with the rest of our operaitons as a City or Department.  Please list what you need from us:

RFP OCA1003 Attachment A contains all the information you need to apply for funding:

  • Funding application proposal cover sheet
  • Application form
  • Five (5) proposal questions
  • Budget template

Once an organization has been selected for an award, then the insurance and financial information will be required, and we understand that organizations may be a part of a larger organization, and that is fine.

How to Submit

You can submit your proposal in three ways by Thursday, December 19th, by 5:00 PM PST:

  1. Through PublicPurchase
  2. By emailing all documents to:
  3. By mailing or dopping off a hard-copy to:

San Mateo County
Office of Community Affairs
400 County Center, 1st Floor
Redwood City, CA  94063