The Big Lift is a collective impact collaborative made up of over 200 organizations with leadership from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the San Mateo County Office of Education, and the County of San Mateo. The participating organizations represent the education, business, government, philanthropic and nonprofit sectors that together are spearheading a bold new vision for early learning to address the literacy gap in children of color and low - income children. This vision includes the following evidenced-based interventions.

  1. A comprehensive school readiness strategy focused on high-quality preschool for 3 - and 4 - year olds that leads to an aligned and sequenced set of high-quality learning experiences in kindergarten through third grade;
  2. A focus on reducing chronic absence in the early grades;
  3. Developing inspiring summer learning opportunities that enable children to maintain their academic and developmental gains;
  4. Supporting parents and care givers as children’s first and most influential teacher to provide rich learning environments in the home.


The County of San Mateo has committed $15 million in Measure A funding, which must be matched with funding from other sources.

For updates on The Big Lift, please visit our Performance Dashboard.

For more information about The Big Lift Initiative:

The Big Lift Website:


