San Mateo LAFCo is governed by a seven-member commission elected to four-year terms. Two commissioners are members of, and appointed by, the County Board of Supervisors; two are members of city councils (appointed by the Council of Mayors); two are members of independent special districts (appointed by the presiding officers of independent special districts); a public member (appointed by the County, city, and special district members); and four alternate members (County, city, special district, and public). LAFCo's budget is funded by application fees and by the County, cities, and independent special districts. The Commission contracts with the County of San Mateo for an Executive Officer, legal counsel, administrative staff, and office space.


2024 Commission Members 

Commissioner Member  Term Ending

Warren Slocum

County May 2028

Ray Mueller, Vice Chairperson


May 2026

Tygarjas Bigstyck


May 2026

Harvey Rarback


May 2025

Kati Martin, Chairperson

Special District 

May 2026

Ann Draper


May 2026

Virginia Chang-Kiraly

Special District

May 2028

Katheryn Slater-Carter

Alternate Special District

May 2028

Ann Schneider

Alternate City

May 2027

Noelia Corzo

Alternate County

May 2028

Services Provided

LAFCo reviews and approves incorporations, annexations, consolidations, and other changes of boundaries and organization for the cities and special districts of San Mateo County.  The Commission also determines city and district spheres of influence and performs periodic studies of existing governmental agencies.

View Commission Budget


The Commission meets regularly on the third Wednesday of odd-numbered months (January, March, etc.)  Since March 2020, due to COVID-19, the Commission met via Zoom. As of March 2023, the Commission holds hybrid access meetings. Additional special meetings may be called.

All meetings are held at the Board of Supervisors' Chambers located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063

Meeting time is 2:30 pm unless otherwise noted in the agenda. Future agendas are posted the Wednesday prior to the meeting date.

The Chair will call for comments from the audience as each agenda item is ready for discussion. If you wish to comment on an item, please complete one of the speaker slips (available on the table just outside the door) and hand it to the Clerk prior to taking your seat. This will help the Chair organize the progress of the hearing. When the Chair calls your name, please proceed to the lectern and clearly state your name and the organization whom you represent before addressing the Commission.


LAFCo staff includes 2 full-time equivalent positions plus legal counsel:

ROB BARTOLI, Executive Officer
(650) 363-4224

Vacant, Management Analyst

DIANE ESTIPONA, Administrative Secretary III
(650) 363-4220

TIMOTHY FOX, Legal Counsel