Holiday Gift Program
This is our largest program and serves approximately 2,000 children each holiday season. In many cases, the gifts we provide are the only ones that the child receives. The Children’s Fund Holiday Gift Program puts smiles on thousands of children’s faces each holiday season.
We serve foster and low-income children, newborn to age 18 (or AB12 foster kids up to age 21) who are referred by their San Mateo County case manager, probation office, social worker, or public health nurse.
Children submit a wish list, and volunteers help us fill their “wishes.” All the gifts are new, and all are donated by general community members. Last year, 5-year-old Ava asked for a doll and a book. 16-year-old Steven wanted sports equipment. Infant Alicia received a set of blocks. 8-year-old Thomas got his very first bicycle!

Donate to Help a Child!
The Children’s Fund warehouse will be relocating and will unfortunately not be accepting toys in person. Any need we have for toys will be posted on our Amazon wish list or Target registry. If you would like to donate, please consider one of the following options:
- Purchasing items off our Amazon or Target wish list.
- Participating in our Adopt-A-Family program and being paired with a family. Please email if interested in participating.
- Make a monetary donation or donate through our online donation portal so we can use it to fill a child’s wish.
If you would like to host a special drive, please contact us.
How to Volunteer
Email with the subject line: "Add me to your volunteer list!" You will receive email notifications once there is a volunteer opportunity available. Volunteer events for the Holiday Drive usually occur during the beginning or middle of December.
Contact us anytime: 650-802-5152 or
NOTE: If you are a parent or guardian of a child who wishes to receive these services, please have your San Mateo County case manager or social worker contact us. The Children's Fund only takes requests from case managers and social workers that are part of a San Mateo County Department and does not take referrals or requests from outside organizations or the public. Please contact your appropriate caseworker in the county to request services from the Children's Fund. You can click on this link to view all the San Mateo County Departments.